

🔥🔥🔥 "ولد الفطر" 🍄 🔥🔥🔥 فيلم ممتاز من الغابات الخيالية والروائع 🔥🔥🔥 مع أداء جذاب وأداء متميز 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 مع موسيقى جذابة وصور ساحرة 🔥🔥🔥 من إخراج المبدع الإيراني، اكتشف الحياة بنظرة جديدة 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 الفائز بجوائز دولية وتكريمات 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 شاهد "ولد الفطر" في سينما بلدك!img attribute alt is UNDEFINED 🔥🔥🔥 "پسر قارچی 🍄" 🔥🔥🔥 یک فیلم تحسین شده از جنگل‌های روانی و خیالاتی 🔥🔥🔥 با بازیگری‌های جذاب و بازی‌های برجسته 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 همراه با موسیقی جذاب و تصاویر دلنشین 🔥🔥🔥 از کارگردان برجسته‌ی ایرانی، زندگی را با دید جدید ببینید 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 برندهٔ جوایز بین‌المللی و پرافتخارات 🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥 مشاهدهٔ "پسر قارچی" در سینماهای شهر شما !

Mushroom 🍄 Boy

Our little red mushroom boy tightened his grip on the sword in his right hand as he took a step forward into the dark forest. The forest was so dark he could not see a thing, he only felt the chill on his face and bare skin. Sounds of muffled screams came from beyond the reachable space, they were the voices of the captured souls at the heart of the forest. Among the mass of sounds, he recognized that of Ponya; the source of his strong will and the weaver of his dreams. Mushroom boy picked up the pace and rushed through the blinding evil of this place. He did not know where he was heading, as the laws of nature do not exist in such a hell of a multi-dimension, but in his heart, he knew he was getting closer.
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Mushroom boy found the tree of captured souls. The mere touch of its thorny branches is enough to send him to eternal doom and he was afraid. He frantically waved his sword in an attempt to clear the path before him. When the mighty blade hit the trunk, a crack of red glowing light started flowing through the tree and to the forest beyond. A gloomy aura of turbulent electrons encapsulated the tree and our little hero. The world was quiet, he was in the eye of the storm, and in sight, there was only his muse, floating in a cloud.

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Ponya’s eyes were not to be seen, the demons echoed from her hollow figure like the snakes out of a medusa. Mushroom kid was paralysed puzzled perplexed mesmerised fixated on that supernatural phenomenon he could not grasp. His powers were gradually fading as he looked at what used to be a merry spirit and he could only blame himself for the current situation. Only then, Ponya slides her shadows towards him and gives him a quest. If he wishes for his world to go back to its order, and for Ponya to be reinstated, he must fulfill the prophecy and bend the blue waves of cyberspace.
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Cyberspace was morbidly intricate. Chunks of cyphered data were flying everywhere at incredible speed, Mushroom kiddo feared for his life, then he was reassured it was virtual, and he could only lose his mind in this world, leaving him a floating void if he got injured or overridden. His target was clear, blue waves, his objective was to bend them. A quick abstraction of quantum-space waves made him realize he needed a surfer class, with highly efficient bending methods. He waited impatiently for his resources to be freed, he waited in line and watched his movement fade in low resolution.
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Mushroom boy kept an eye, an ear, and some fingers on the waves. He learned how to filter the colors to select his target carefully from among the wide white spectrum. When his surfer loaded successfully as promised, he rode it immediately. He was an expert at riding, but the blue waves were too fast and too straight they knocked him off. He mumbled words of encouragement under his breath, closed his eyes like an epic legend, and slow-mo’ed his way to catch the exceptionally wild waves of the deep space. The wave carried him a long way before finally surrendering and bending to his will. At that moment, he found himself back in the forest from hell.
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The nightmare continues. Flashback from a distant past engulfs the oversized and overwhelmed mushroom head. A glimpse of an innocent, bright laughter in the midst of a floral summer day. Reality hits when the shadow demons slither in his face in an angry gesture, deranged by his triumphant conquest. To reward the champ and keep their oath, Ponya is released from the spell cast upon her, her consciousness is resurrected with a monstrous shriek louder than thunder, louder than the drums of war, louder than mushroom’s heartbeat at the moment... Awakened, the lass rushes to her rescuer to embrace his tearful face. The instant they touch, the darkness shrinks down to the mother tree, and the land lives again.
Tribal GATHERING 2020
To be continued: s/github/lamourism/

في عصر قديم، عاشَتْ أسطورة موسى وشهيرة الشهيرة، الجميلة والأنيقة. لم تكن

حياته مجرد قصة عادية، بل كانت كالحكايات الساحرة التي تجذب القلوب والعقول.

ولد لهما ابن، سماه موسى، كما ورد في السجلات القديمة. ولكن هل كانت نهاية

القصة؟ لا، بالطبع لا. لأن في عالم الخيال والحكايات، كل شيء ممكن، حتى السحر

والمفاجآت الغير متوقعة. فلنتابع القصة ونرى ما الذي يخبئه المستقبل لموسى

ولسعيه إلى السعادة في عالم سحري وخيالي

Mushroom 🍄 Boy