🦋Magic 🪬 Tarot🦋

🦋Magic 🪬 Tarot🦋

The 💫 Wands

Element: 🔥 Fire.
Theme: Creativity, action, desire, inspiration.
Associations: Projects, career, spiritual growth.
  1. Ace of Wands: 🌱 New beginnings, inspiration, potential.
  2. Two of Wands: 🌍 Planning, decision making, anticipation.
  3. Three of Wands: 🚢 Expansion, progress, success.
  4. Four of Wands: 🎉 Celebration, stability, harmony.
  5. Five of Wands: ⚔️ Conflict, competition, tension.
  6. Six of Wands: 🏆 Victory, recognition, triumph.
  7. Seven of Wands: 🛡️ Defense, struggle, standing your ground.
  8. Eight of Wands: 🏃‍♂️ Speed, movement, change.
  9. Nine of Wands: 💪 Resilience, persistence, test of faith.
  10. Ten of Wands: 📦 Burden, responsibility, overload.
  11. Page of Wands: 📜 Messenger, new beginning, creativity.
  12. Knight of Wands: 🏇 Adventure, passion, impulsiveness.
  13. Queen of Wands: 👑 Confidence, determination, charisma.
  14. King of Wands: 🕴️ Leadership, vision, maturity.

The 🏆 Cups

Element: 🌊 Water.
Theme: Emotions, feelings, love, relationships.
Associations: Inner world, interpersonal connections, intuition.
  1. Ace of Cups: 💖 Love, new emotions, beginning of relationships.
  2. Two of Cups: ❤️ Partnership, harmony, unity.
  3. Three of Cups: 🍻 Celebration, friendship, joy.
  4. Four of Cups: 🤔 Contemplation, apathy, dissatisfaction.
  5. Five of Cups: 😢 Loss, regret, disappointment.
  6. Six of Cups: 🏡 Nostalgia, memories, childhood.
  7. Seven of Cups: 🌈 Illusions, choices, fantasies.
  8. Eight of Cups: 🛤️ Abandonment, search, transition.
  9. Nine of Cups: 😊 Satisfaction, success, wish fulfillment.
  10. Ten of Cups: 🏠 Happiness, harmony, family bliss.
  11. Page of Cups: 🐟 Messenger, creativity, intuition.
  12. Knight of Cups: 🌹 Romance, idealism, pursuit.
  13. Queen of Cups: 🧘‍♀️ Compassion, care, emotional depth.
  14. King of Cups: 🧓 Wisdom, balance, emotional maturity.

The ⚔️ Swords

Element: 🌬️ Air.
Theme: Intellect, reason, conflict, problem-solving.
Associations: Thought, communication, challenges.
  1. Ace of Swords: 🗡️ Truth, clarity, new understanding.
  2. Two of Swords: ⚖️ Dilemma, balance, indecision.
  3. Three of Swords: 💔 Heartache, disappointment, sorrow.
  4. Four of Swords: 🛌 Rest, recovery, meditation.
  5. Five of Swords: 🥀 Conflict, defeat, hollow victory.
  6. Six of Swords: 🚣‍♀️ Transition, problem-solving, moving forward.
  7. Seven of Swords: 🕵️‍♂️ Deception, strategy, cunning.
  8. Eight of Swords: 🧱 Restrictions, fear, entrapment.
  9. Nine of Swords: 😨 Anxiety, fears, nightmares.
  10. Ten of Swords: ⚰️ Ending, betrayal, finality.
  11. Page of Swords: 🕊️ Curiosity, information, news.
  12. Knight of Swords: 🏇 Decisiveness, swiftness, directness.
  13. Queen of Swords: 🧠 Independence, intellect, perceptiveness.
  14. King of Swords: 👑 Authority, reason, sternness.

The 🪬 Pentacles

Element: 🌍 Earth.
Theme: Material world, finances, health, work.
Associations: Finances, physical well-being, practical matters.
  1. Ace of Pentacles: 💰 New opportunities, prosperity, beginning.
  2. Two of Pentacles: ⚖️ Balance, adaptation, priorities.
  3. Three of Pentacles: 🏗️ Teamwork, collaboration, skill.
  4. Four of Pentacles: 🏦 Savings, control, stability.
  5. Five of Pentacles: 🏚️ Loss, hardship, need.
  6. Six of Pentacles: 🤲 Generosity, support, balance.
  7. Seven of Pentacles: 🌱 Patience, evaluation, long-term effort.
  8. Eight of Pentacles: 🛠️ Work, perfection, craftsmanship.
  9. Nine of Pentacles: 🌿 Self-sufficiency, success, material well-being.
  10. Ten of Pentacles: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Legacy, family, wealth.
  11. Page of Pentacles: 📜 Messenger, student, new beginnings.
  12. Knight of Pentacles: 🐎 Practicality, persistence, reliability.
  13. Queen of Pentacles: 🏡 Nurturing, practicality, domesticity.
  14. King of Pentacles: 👑 Success, abundance, authority.

Breaking 🪬 News: British Scientists Open Time Portal to 1982 Lebanon

Beautiful Beirut in the 1960s

Anchor Introduction

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we bring you an extraordinary report. British scientists have opened a portal to the past, allowing us to interview participants from the 1982 peace efforts in Lebanon directly. We will hear from Admiral Sir William Kensington and Mrs. Layla Haddad, a Lebanese Christian woman. Additionally, we will have insights from a Persian philosopher, a specialist in cultural traditions and tarot cards. Stay tuned as we unravel this fascinating tale across time, complete with the wit and wisdom you’d expect from Her Majesty’s subjects.

Segment 1: The 1982 Peace Efforts

Anchor: Our story begins in 1982, a pivotal year for Lebanon. Her Majesty the Queen, in her infinite wisdom and grace, dispatched the Royal Navy to foster peace between the local Lebanese, the Palestinians, and the Jewish community. We go now to our correspondent on the scene in Beirut, 1982.
Correspondent: Thank you, and good evening. It was here in 1982 that the Royal Navy admirals extended an invitation to the Palestinian leaders for a traditional British tea. However, the initial refusal by the Palestinians led to a significant cultural misunderstanding. Let's hear directly from Admiral Sir William Kensington, speaking to us from 1982.
Admiral Sir William Kensington (1982): We extended a cordial invitation for tea, as is our custom, expecting to foster dialogue and peace. When they declined, we took it as an affront. It was puzzling and quite disheartening. We were left wondering what had gone wrong. Perhaps they didn’t appreciate the fine Earl Grey we had brought all the way from London.
Correspondent: In the midst of these efforts, the Christian Lebanese community also played a significant role. Let's hear from Mrs. Layla Haddad, a Lebanese Christian woman, speaking to us from 1982.
Mrs. Layla Haddad (1982): As a Lebanese Christian, we welcomed the Palestinians into our homes with the hope of teaching them our ways and fostering peace. We believed that by sharing our culture, we could live together harmoniously. Our intentions were pure, but we soon realized that the integration of different traditions was more complex than we had anticipated. Our efforts to serve tea were met with confusion, and our attempts at hospitality often seemed to miss the mark.

Segment 2: Interview with Persian Philosopher on Cultural Traditions and Tarot Cards

Anchor: To help us understand these cultural missteps, we turn to Daryush Alizadeh, a Persian philosopher known for his deep understanding of cultural traditions and tarot cards. Daryush, thank you for joining us.
Daryush Alizadeh: It’s my pleasure.
Anchor: Could you explain how these cultural misunderstandings could be seen through the lens of tarot cards and cultural traditions?
Daryush Alizadeh: Absolutely. Imagine each culture as having its own deck of tarot cards, each card representing a key aspect of their traditions and values. For the British, the "Tea Card" symbolizes hospitality and conversation. However, for the Palestinians, the invitation to tea works differently. During my time living in Egypt, I once accepted a casual invitation for tea, not knowing that it was a polite formality. The elderly gentleman who had invited me was quite put out when he had to actually get up and make the tea. The misunderstanding caused a bit of a stir, much like what happened with the British Navy.
Anchor: That’s quite an enlightening analogy. How does this misunderstanding about tea relate to the broader cultural exchanges in Lebanon?
Daryush Alizadeh: The key here is that each culture has these unique "cards"—rituals and norms that are deeply ingrained. When these rituals are not understood by outsiders, it can lead to feelings of insult or disrespect. The British admirals, accustomed to their own tradition of tea as a symbol of hospitality and serious conversation, didn’t realize the casual nature of the Palestinian custom. Similarly, when the Jews offered falafel, a gesture meant to be warm and inclusive, it was not understood within the British framework. It’s like trying to play a game where the rules are completely different.
Anchor: Fascinating. Are there any other significant "cards" or cultural elements among Palestinians that you can share with us?
Daryush Alizadeh: Absolutely. One of the most profound concepts is the term "Intifada."
Anchor: Intifada? What does that mean exactly?
Daryush Alizadeh: "Intifada" translates to "uprising" or "shaking off." There have been two major Palestinian uprisings against the Jewish state. The First Intifada began in 1987 and lasted until 1993, involving widespread demonstrations, civil disobedience, and strikes. The Second Intifada, which started in 2000 and continued until about 2005, was more intense and violent, with severe repercussions on both sides.
Anchor: Civil disobedience and violent clashes—sounds complex. What sparked these uprisings?
Daryush Alizadeh: The reasons are deeply embedded in the collective unconscious of the Palestinian people, passed down from generation to generation. These uprisings are not just reactions to immediate events but are fueled by long-standing grievances and memories of displacement and injustice. Similar to how not all British people fully grasp the significance of their tea traditions or how not all Russians understand the deep cultural respect for bread, many Palestinians might not fully articulate why Intifada feels like the right response. It is ingrained in their collective psyche, much like these cultural rituals.
Anchor: That’s an interesting perspective. So, it’s more about inherited memory and collective identity?
Daryush Alizadeh: Exactly. The concept of Intifada becomes a card in their subconscious deck, ready to be played in response to perceived oppression. This card represents a deeply ingrained reaction to a situation that feels unjust or threatening, whether the individual fully understands the historical and cultural weight behind it or not. It’s a psychological and cultural response that transcends generations, much like any deeply embedded cultural tradition.
Anchor: I see. What other significant concepts should we know about?
Daryush Alizadeh: Another crucial term is "Nakba," which means "catastrophe" in Arabic. It refers to the mass displacement of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
Anchor: Catastrophe? That sounds severe.
Daryush Alizadeh: Indeed, it was. The Nakba resulted in the displacement of over 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their homes, leading to a refugee crisis that persists to this day. The term encapsulates the loss, trauma, and ongoing struggle for the right of return for many Palestinians. Additionally, it's important to note that Palestinians have also faced displacement from other Arab countries such as Jordan and Kuwait due to armed interference in internal affairs or support for external aggressors. However, this aspect does not fit well into the collective unconscious of Palestinians and is often ignored, hence not passed down to subsequent generations.
Anchor: That’s heartbreaking. Are there any other significant terms?
Daryush Alizadeh: Yes, the term "Shahid" is also very important. It means "martyr" and is used to describe those who have died for their country, often in the context of the Palestinian struggle.
Anchor: Martyr? So, it has a religious connotation?
Daryush Alizadeh: Correct. In Islamic culture, a Shahid is someone who dies in the cause of God. For Palestinians, this term extends to those who have lost their lives resisting the Jewish state, often seen as heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their people and homeland.
Anchor: That's deeply moving. It sounds like these concepts are not just historical but are deeply embedded in the Palestinian identity and daily life.
Daryush Alizadeh: Absolutely. These terms are integral to understanding the Palestinian experience, their sense of identity, and their ongoing struggle. Each concept carries profound emotional and cultural significance, reflecting their history and aspirations. Moreover, these "cards" like Intifada, Nakba, and Shahid are always present in the minds of Palestinians. They are not limited to historical contexts or specific geographies like Israel. At any opportune moment, these concepts can and will be invoked, shaping responses and actions wherever there are Palestinians facing perceived injustices or oppression.
Anchor: So, you're saying that these deeply ingrained concepts can manifest in various ways, not just in the context of Israel?
Daryush Alizadeh: Precisely. The psychological and cultural impact of these terms means that they can influence actions and sentiments in any situation where Palestinians feel oppressed or marginalized. The cards of Intifada, Nakba, and Shahid are part of their collective psyche, ready to be played whenever circumstances align. This understanding is crucial for anyone looking to engage with or understand Palestinian communities and their responses to global events.
Anchor: Thank you, Daryush, for this fascinating discussion. I must say, I’ve gained a newfound appreciation for the complexities of falafel!.. We’ll take a short break, but when we return, we will speak with Mrs. Haddad again—this time from our present-day studio. Don’t go anywhere!

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Instructions en Français :

Traduis en persan dans la tradition bienveillante des affiches iraniennes avant la révolution islamique, en utilisant des références à la foi des chrétiens égyptiens (leur proximité unique avec Jésus, tatouages sur la paume visible, etc.).
Numérote chaque traduction et associe à chaque numéro un proverbe russe sur le chiffre actuel, en t'inspirant du loto russe.
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Segment 3: Follow-up Interview with Mrs. Layla Haddad in the Present

Anchor: Welcome back. Now, we bring Mrs. Haddad into our present-day studio. Mrs. Haddad, thank you for joining us once again.
Mrs. Layla Haddad (Present): Thank you for having me.
Anchor: With the benefit of hindsight, could you share your perspective on these events?
Mrs. Layla Haddad (Present): Certainly. Looking back, it's clear that greater cultural education and mutual respect were needed. We didn’t realize the full scope of the tarot cards the Palestinians had at their disposal and how they would play those cards in the peaceful and hospitable environment of Christian Lebanon. Their hidden cards and the ways they utilized them were beyond our understanding at the time. If we had known, we might have been better prepared to navigate the complexities of our interactions.

Segment 4: Detailed Explanation on Cultural Traditions and Tarot Cards

Anchor: Thank you, Mrs. Haddad, for your insightful reflections. Now, we turn to a more detailed exploration of the cultural misunderstandings and the significance of tarot cards in this context.

Tarot of Civilizations

In yon ancient court where kings do reign, 🪬 A jester danced 'neath a moonlit pane. 🪬 His garb of motley, a sight to see, 🪬 With a heart of jest, yet wild and free. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: Every culture, religion, and mythology is like a deck of tarot cards. Each civilization has its own unique set of tarot cards. In the Christian world, these cards are encoded in the Bible. There’s the card of Adam and Eve, the card of Job, and an entire suite dedicated to Jesus. In the Muslim world, the cards differ—for instance, their deck lacks a card for the forgiveness of adultery by women.

Roman Tarot Cards

With cap and bells, he doth entwine 🪬 A tale of mirth with reason's line. 🪬 His jokes, a dagger in disguise, 🪬 Revealing truths 'neath the monarch's eyes. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: Beyond the mythological and religious, there are economic tarot cards. A wealthy country that invests in culture and social support, much like the Romans with their principle of "bread and circuses," adds cards to the collective subconscious of its people: cards of aesthetics, trust in government, and societal well-being.
For example, the Colosseum, an enduring symbol of Rome's architectural prowess, was built between AD 70 and 80 under Emperors Vespasian and Titus. This grand amphitheater was not just a marvel of engineering but also a tool for social control, providing entertainment to the masses and fostering a sense of community and stability. By offering free grain and spectacular games, the Roman emperors ensured the populace remained content and distracted from political matters, thus maintaining their power.
This practice of "bread and circuses" illustrates how cultural investments and social programs can shape a society's collective psyche, promoting a sense of well-being and trust in the government. Just as the Romans used the Colosseum to entertain and pacify their citizens, modern societies can benefit from investing in cultural and social initiatives that enhance the quality of life and strengthen communal bonds.

Importance of the Shared Tarot Cards

When courtly whispers stirred the hall, 🪬 The Jester's voice, a clarion call. 🪬 He spake of folly in disguise, 🪬 And mocked the wise with merry guise. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: Shared tarot cards help different cultures understand each other and find common ground. If barriers are erected between cultures, and no one studies the Torah with its profound set of tarot cards, then dangerous cards like antisemitism begin to appear. People use only the cards they know and ignore the existence of others. When an entire nation is poisoned by bad tarot cards, catastrophe looms.

Understanding Good and Bad Cards

But lo, a turn did fate bestow, 🪬 The Jester's game began to grow. 🪬 He played his cards with cunning might, 🪬 And brought the king to darkened plight. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: How can we discern which cards are good and which are bad? Different religions and ideologies offer varying answers to this question. However, the philosophers of Her Majesty's Government have studied countless tarot cards and found a common denominator: Libertarianism. Rooted in Christian values, they concluded that the most challenging question in all tarot cards is the question of violence.

Quest for the Peace

With every jest and mocking glee, 🪬 He sowed dissent, and none could see. 🪬 The courtly lords, they fled in fear, 🪬 As chaos reigned both far and near. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: We all desire a peaceful sky above our heads. Humanity has traversed a thorny path seeking an answer to how to achieve universal peace. Few believe it possible, but the Bible, our ancient voice of wisdom, teaches that we must inevitably reach this goal. The Bible encodes tarot cards that guide us Christians, slowly but surely, toward this aim. You might say it's impossible, but consider the Jews expelled from Jerusalem after the Second Temple was destroyed. For almost 19 centuries, they passed down the most cherished tarot card — the return to Jerusalem — through sacred texts, traditions, and holidays.

Segment 4: Understanding the History of Lebanon

The king’s domain in ruins lay, 🪬 His power lost, his rule astray. 🪬 Yet one last mark the Jester left, 🪬 A joker’s card, his final theft. 🌹 Oh, Jester bold, with laughter keen, 🪬 Thy wit doth pierce the royal sheen. 🪬 In shadows deep where secrets lie, 🪬 Thou dost unveil with twinkling eye.
Narrator: How can we build universal peace? Ask a child, and they might say we need to keep only the good tarot cards and discard the bad ones. Let's turn to the history book on page 1982 and see what happened to the beautiful Christian country of Lebanon. The happy people of Lebanon thought they had found the perfect set of tarot cards for a happy life. However, something was fundamentally wrong with their southern neighbor. The Lebanese observed the young Jewish state and believed the Jews were using very bad satanic cards, causing them much trouble. Over years of prosperous living and smug observation of their southern neighbors, the Lebanese formed a new card: they were sure they knew how to live in peace with the Palestinians.
The wheel of history soon turned for the unsuspecting Lebanese. They watched the King of Jordan, who they thought was also playing bad cards against a new tarot deck called the "Palestine Liberation Organization". The Lebanese grew more convinced they could teach the black travelers from the southern lands good cards and live in peace.
The kind-hearted Christian Lebanese welcomed the Palestinians into their homes and began teaching them their beautiful and good cards. For several years, they lived in the illusion that they had successfully integrated the Palestinians into their society, thinking they could teach their southern neighbors a history lesson. Wise Jewish priests, the secret keepers of the most hidden tarot cards, knew the northern people were trapped but didn't know how to save them from disaster. Alas, among the vast collection of rare Jewish tarot cards, there was no time portal card to show the Lebanese their near future.


The card of jest where he had trod, 🪬 A sign of wit, a silent nod. 🪬 No kingdom stands, no nobles stay, 🪬 The Jester’s laugh now rules the day. 🪬 🌹 Thus ends the tale of courtly jest, 🪬 Of how a fool laid king to rest. 🪬 For in the game of thrones and crowns, 🪬 The sharpest mind may don the gown.
As we reflect on the events of 1982, it becomes clear that cultural misunderstandings can have profound impacts. By viewing these events through the lens of tarot cards and cultural traditions, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse customs that shape our world. The advent of this incredible time portal technology provides us with a unique opportunity to learn from the past and avoid similar pitfalls in the future.
Understanding and respecting the "tarot cards" of other cultures—whether they symbolize hospitality, community, or faith—can help bridge gaps and build a more harmonious global society. In Lebanon, the failure to recognize and integrate the different cultural "cards" led to a tragic sequence of events. As we move forward, let us take these lessons to heart and strive for a world where every culture’s unique cards are acknowledged and respected, fostering peace and mutual understanding across all borders.

New 🪬 Podcast: Mystic Musings with Daryush Alizadeh

In twilight's whisper, an invite so dire, 🪬 From shadows dark, where spirits conspire. 🪬 "Come dance," it read, "with the Prince of Night, 🪬 Through realms of dread and endless fright." 🌹 Oh, dance with me, in Satan's grace, 🪬 From plague to fire, to the cursed place. 🪬 The Devil's waltz, a ghastly jest, 🪬 Through doom and ruin, no sweet rest.
Daryush Alizadeh: Welcome back, dear listeners, to another episode of Mystic Musings with Daryush Alizadeh. I am thrilled to have so many new subscribers after my recent appearance on the special news segment about the 1982 peace efforts in Lebanon. It seems our discussion on cultural tarot cards resonated with many of you, sparking a wave of curiosity and questions. One of the most intriguing questions I've received is about applying the concept of tarot cards to interpersonal relationships. So today, we'll dive into that fascinating topic.

The World of Ideas and Tarot Cards

Мы сидели у костра в заброшенной части Припяти, окруженные руинами и мраком Зоны. Ночь опустилась на нас, и только треск огня и редкие переклички сталкеров нарушали тишину. Вокруг костра собрались люди в военной форме – ветераны Зоны, опытные бойцы, каждый из которых видел и пережил достаточно, чтобы понимать, что Зона живёт по своим собственным законам.
In ancient Greek philosophy, Plato introduced the concept of a world of forms or ideas, where the true essence of everything exists. What we perceive in our physical world are merely shadows of these perfect forms. This concept can be quite enlightening when applied to our understanding of human behavior and relationships.
When we interact with others, we often see only their public personas—their "masks," if you will. These are the faces they show to the world, shaped by societal expectations and norms. However, just like Plato's forms, there is a deeper, truer essence to each person, hidden beneath the surface. This is where the concept of personal tarot cards comes into play.

Personal Tarot Cards

Один из них, по имени Сократ, взял слово. Он всегда был любителем философии и науки, что редко встречалось среди нас.
Imagine that each individual carries their own deck of personal tarot cards. These cards represent their true thoughts, feelings, and life experiences. While some cards are common among many people, like those related to basic human emotions and desires, others are unique, shaped by personal history and individual experiences.
In relationships, understanding and discovering these personal tarot cards is a journey of intimacy and trust. Just as in a deck of tarot cards, there are major and minor arcana. The major arcana, such as "The Fool," "The Lovers," and "The Tower," represent significant life events and deep, archetypal lessons. The minor arcana, consisting of four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—represent more everyday experiences and challenges.
As we grow closer to someone, we slowly uncover these hidden cards, learning about their true nature.

The Process of Growing Up

– Слышали вы про квантовую запутанность? – начал он. – Это когда две частицы, независимо от расстояния между ними, мгновенно влияют друг на друга. Как это может быть? Мы знаем, что ничего не может двигаться быстрее света. Или может?
As children, we understand the world through the public cards—what we see and experience directly. To a child, the world appears straightforward and comprehensible because they lack the awareness of these deeper, hidden cards. However, as we mature, we start to realize that there's much more beneath the surface.
As children undergo physiological changes, they may discover new feelings and desires they were previously unaware of because these cards or models of behavior were hidden from them. For instance, the "Lovers" card, representing deep emotional connections and romantic love, may suddenly appear in their deck. In unfavorable conditions (cultural, religious, or relational with parents and peers), the subconscious may mistakenly label these cards as bad or forbidden. This could include feelings of guilt or shame associated with the "Devil" card, which often symbolizes taboo desires and inner conflicts.
A person might appear outwardly mature but continues to live in a world governed by childish tarot cards, perpetually haunted by "shameful" cards. This can be seen as living under the influence of the "Moon" card, which represents illusion, fear, and the anxiety of the unknown.

The Struggle of Maturity

Боец с позывным Доктор, известный своей любовью к науке, покачал головой.
Physiologically, humans need love and mutual understanding, but a limited deck of cards makes this difficult. To cope, individuals may seek social approval, work diligently, engage in sports, or take on a mortgage, yet real life seems out of reach. They feel something is missing and that something needs to happen to change this, but it never does. This leads to a state of learned helplessness, where individuals identify with the limited deck of cards they know, unaware that life holds trump cards revealing what lies beyond public life.
If a person doesn't know their trump cards, such as the "Sun" card representing clarity, joy, and success, they become easy prey for those who are adept at understanding and manipulating psychological tarot cards.

Understanding Interpersonal Relationships

– Запутанность – это странная штука, – сказал он. – Она нарушает наше понимание реальности. Но, может быть, именно здесь, в Зоне, мы сможем найти ответы. Что если эта запутанность – ключ к пониманию того, как аномалии работают? Что если это не нарушение физики, а просто более глубокий уровень её понимания?
In any relationship, recognizing and respecting these hidden cards is crucial. For example, a person might present a card of confidence and self-assurance in public, like the "Emperor" card, which symbolizes authority and control, but privately, they may hold cards of vulnerability and fear, such as the "Nine of Swords," which represents anxiety and nightmares.
True intimacy is built on the ability to see beyond the public cards and appreciate the hidden ones. When conflicts arise in relationships, it's often because the hidden cards clash or remain unacknowledged. By exploring these deeper aspects of each other's decks, individuals can foster empathy and understanding, resolving conflicts more effectively.

Eurosocialisme Chrétien

L'histoire d'Adam et Ève au jardin d'Éden est l'une des cartes les plus fondamentales dans le jeu de tarot de la conscience chrétienne. Imaginez un enfant à qui l'on peint les scènes du paradis : un magnifique jardin, rempli de fruits et d'animaux, où règne l'harmonie. Cette image forme chez l'enfant une compréhension de l'état idéal du monde.

Ensuite, le serpent apparaît dans l'histoire, symbole de tentation et de mal. Cette image du serpent ajoute un élément d'alerte et de mise en garde à la carte. Lorsque la chute se produit et qu'Adam et Ève sont expulsés du jardin d'Éden, cela crée une empreinte émotionnelle profonde dans la conscience de l'enfant. La carte "La Chute de l'Éden" devient une métaphore pour toutes les situations où le choix entre le bien et le mal a des conséquences graves. Même si la personne n'en est pas consciente, cette carte reste avec elle pour la vie, influençant ses décisions et son comportement.

La Parabole du Fils Prodigue : Une Leçon de Pardon

Une deuxième carte importante dans le tarot chrétien est la parabole du fils prodigue. Un enfant entend l'histoire du fils cadet qui quitte son père, dilapide son héritage et revient dans la misère. Au lieu de le rejeter, le père l'accueille avec joie. Cette image apprend à l'enfant le pardon et la miséricorde.

Cependant, la parabole va plus loin, en montrant la réaction du frère aîné, qui se sent offensé par le pardon du père. Ce dernier lui explique l'importance du pardon et de l'amour. Cette carte apprend à respecter le pardon des autres et à apprécier la miséricorde. Elle forme chez l'enfant la capacité de comprendre et d'accepter les erreurs des autres, ainsi que de valoriser le pardon.

Le Jugement Dernier : Une Carte de Moralité et de Justice

La carte du Jugement Dernier est l'une des plus puissantes dans la tradition chrétienne. Un enfant apprend qu'à la fin des temps, toutes les actions humaines seront évaluées lors du Jugement Dernier. Cette image forme chez lui un profond sentiment de responsabilité pour ses actions.

L'idée du Jugement Dernier pousse les chrétiens à se poser des questions sur leurs bonnes et mauvaises actions, et sur la manière dont elles affecteront leur destin futur. Le fait de savoir qu'il existe un jugement suprême qui prendra en compte toute l'injustice et la justesse aide une personne à prendre des décisions basées sur la moralité et la justice.

L'Influence des Cartes Initiales sur la Perception du Monde

Ces cartes initiales — Adam et Ève, le fils prodigue et le Jugement Dernier — forment la base de la perception du monde chez un enfant. Elles servent de marqueurs, aidant à percevoir et à organiser correctement les nouvelles connaissances. Quand une personne possède ces cartes, elles deviennent des filtres à travers lesquels passe toute l'information.
Sans ces marqueurs, les nouvelles expériences et connaissances restent souvent non structurées et non organisées. Par exemple, un enfant qui ne connaît pas l'histoire du fils prodigue peut ne pas comprendre l'importance du pardon dans une situation complexe.

La Création des Cartes de Préhension en Bas Âge

La création de cartes de tarot de base dans la conscience d'un enfant n'est que le premier pas. Il est également important de créer des cartes de préhension qui aideront l'enfant à trier et organiser de nouvelles informations. Les parents et les éducateurs jouent un rôle clé dans ce processus.

Les cartes de préhension créées en bas âge aident l'enfant à assimiler et structurer plus facilement les informations ultérieures. Dans chaque domaine — que ce soit l'espace, les ordinateurs, les mathématiques ou les principales religions — il est important de trouver ce qui intéresse le plus l'enfant, afin de susciter son intérêt et son désir d'apprendre davantage.
Les cartes de tarot de base, telles que les histoires de la Bible, et les cartes de préhension créées dans l'enfance jouent un rôle crucial dans la manière dont une personne perçoit et organise le monde. Elles aident à correctement intégrer de nouvelles connaissances et fournissent un soutien émotionnel et cognitif tout au long de la vie. Les parents, en élevant leurs enfants, doivent s'efforcer de créer ces cartes de tarot de base et de préhension, montrant par leur propre exemple ce qui est vraiment important dans la vie.


So, my dear listeners, as we navigate our relationships, let's remember that each person carries a unique deck of tarot cards. By being mindful of the hidden cards and striving to understand the deeper layers of those around us, we can build stronger, more meaningful connections.
– Запутанность – это странная штука, – сказал он. – Она нарушает наше понимание реальности. Но, может быть, именно здесь, в Зоне, мы сможем найти ответы. Что если эта запутанность – ключ к пониманию того, как аномалии работают? Что если это не нарушение физики, а просто более глубокий уровень её понимания?
Thank you for joining me on this journey into the mystical and the personal. Until next time, may your interactions be enlightening and your relationships be enriched by the wisdom of the tarot.

Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the mystical intersections of life and philosophy. If you have any questions or topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to reach out. Goodbye for now.