# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Ceci n'est pas une ***iPod 🪬 Cast***

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ГОВОРИТ РАДИО СВОБОДА... xXx xXx XY xXx xXx... Как говорил мой сосед по парте: компилировать можно и на бумаге. Поэтому Код 🪬 Ядра всегда идёт впереди скомпилированного ядра...


**Sync 🪬 Studio** is a groundbreaking **Meta 🌈 Application**
that empowers you to build **Odoo ✨ Connectors** in just a few hours.

=== === X === ===

Biden declares that only the **Lord 🦋 Almighty** can drive him from the race

=== === Y === ===

Click the image for a quick introduction.

Is It Magic?

# Каша из топора!
import random
import ast
import astor
import curses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

start_code = """
import random
import ast
import astor
import curses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import dill

def Zion(func):
    return dill.source.getsource(func)

# Пример использования
def example_function():
    return "Hello, world!"

# Получение кода функции в виде строки
code_string = Zion(example_function)


def start_init():
    position = 0
    scene_index = 0
    moves = 0
    skull_counts = {"💀": 0, "☠️": 0, "🏴‍☠️": 0}

    def game(stdscr):
        nonlocal position, scene_index, moves, skull_counts


        start_time = datetime.now()
        timer_duration = timedelta(seconds=10)

        while True:
            current_time = datetime.now()
            timer = (start_time + timer_duration - current_time).seconds

            key = stdscr.getch()

            if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT and position < 9:
                position += 1
                moves += 1
            elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT and position > 0:
                position -= 1
                moves += 1
            elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and scene_index < len(SCENERY) - 1:
                SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                scene_index += 1
                moves += 1
            elif key == curses.KEY_UP and scene_index > 0:
                scene_index -= 1
                moves += 1

            current_cell = SCENERY[scene_index][position]

            if current_cell == "🤠":
                new_skull = random.choice(SKULLS)
                SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + new_skull + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                skull_counts[new_skull] += 1

            elif current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                if current_cell == "🦋" or current_cell == "🌈":
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                    if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                        next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                        stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 4, position * 2, next_cell)

            if key == ord(' '):
                if current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                    next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                    if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                        next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                        SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + next_cell + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])

            draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, timer, SUPERMAGIC)
            SUPERMAGIC = xxx(SUPERMAGIC)
            if key == ord('q'):

            if timer <= 0:

            if not SUPERMAGIC:
                SUPERMAGIC = MAGIC

        return timer > 0 and key == curses.KEY_RIGHT

    return curses.wrapper(game)



def xxx(TITLE, text):
    print(f"=== === {TITLE} === ===")
    lines = text.split('\n')
    result = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
        result.append(f"{i:03} {line}")
    formatted_text = '\n'.join(result)
    # import time
    # time.sleep(1)
    ddd = globals()

    # Выполнение кода из текста
    exec(text, ddd)

    # Проверка наличия переменной с именем TITLE
    if TITLE in ddd:
        return formatted_text
        return xxx(f"RE: {TITLE}", start_code)

# Заранее подготовленные сцены из смайликов, каждый кадр содержит 10 смайликов
    "🔠🅰️🅱️🔤🆎🆑🆘🆚🈁🈂️",  # "Там"
    "🈷️🈶🈯🈚🈹🈵🈴🉐🈸🈷️",  # "всё"
    "🅾️🆗🆙🆒🆕🆓🆖🅿️🅾️🆚",  # "просто."
    "🆔🆖🆗🆙🆒🆓🆕🅿️🆖🅰️",  # "Я"
    "🆑🆒🆕🆓🆙🆗🆔🅿️🆖🆚",  # "придумал"
    "🅾️🆗🆙🆓🅿️🆔🆒🆖🅿️🆕",  # "функцию,"
    "🅿️🆕🆔🆒🅾️🆗🆖🆓🅰️🆙",  # "которая"
    "🆕🅿️🆓🆖🅿️🆔🆑🆚🅾️🆗",  # "сама"
    "🆖🅾️🆗🆓🆙🅿️🆔🆒🅾️🆕",  # "себя"
    "🆒🆓🆖🆔🅾️🆙🆕🅿️🆗🆖",  # "модифицирует"
    "🆖🆓🅿️🅾️🆗🆙🆔🆒🅿️🆕",  # "в"
    "🆓🅾️🆖🆙🆒🅿️🆗🆕🆔🅿️",  # "соответствии"
    "🆗🆙🆔🆓🅾️🆖🆒🅿️🆕🆔",  # "с"
    "🆕🆖🆓🅾️🆔🆒🆙🆗🆓🆕",  # "пожеланиями"
    "🅿️🆔🆕🆓🆙🆖🆒🅾️🆗🆓",  # "игрока,"
    "🆓🆖🆕🅿️🆒🅾️🆙🆔🆓🅿️",  # "который"
    "🆕🆓🅾️🆙🆒🅿️🆖🆔🅿️🆗",  # "10"
    "🅿️🆒🆓🆕🆔🆙🅾️🆖🆗🆕",  # "секунд"
    "🆓🅿️🆒🆗🆖🆕🆔🅾️🆙🆓",  # "играет"
    "🆕🆔🅿️🆒🅾️🆗🆙🆓🆖🅿️",  # "с"
    "🆓🆖🅾️🆔🆙🆗🅿️🆒🆕🅿️",  # "новым"
    "🆕🆔🅾️🆖🆓🅿️🆒🆗🆙🆕",  # "кодом"
    "🆓🅾️🆖🆒🅿️🆗🆙🆕🆔🆓",  # "игры"
    "🆕🅿️🆖🆒🅾️🆗🆙🆓🆔🅿️",  # "и"
    "🆗🆒🅾️🆖🆓🆙🅿️🆕🆔🅿️",  # "потом"
    "🅿️🆔🆗🆒🅾️🆕🆓🆖🆙🆓",  # "опять"
    "🆔🆓🅾️🆗🆖🆙🆒🅿️🆕🅿️",  # "выбирает"
    "🆓🆖🅿️🆒🆕🆔🅾️🆙🆓🆗",  # "код"
    "🆒🆗🅾️🆕🆓🆖🆙🆔🆓🅿️",  # "стал"
    "🆕🆔🆓🅾️🆖🆗🆒🅿️🆙🅿️",  # "лучше"
    "🆓🆒🆖🆕🆔🅾️🆗🅿️🆙🆓",  # "или"
    "🆕🆔🆗🅾️🆓🆖🆒🅿️🆙🆓",  # "код"
    "🆗🅾️🆒🆖🆓🆕🆔🅿️🆙🆓",  # "стал"
    "🆖🆔🆗🅾️🆕🆒🆓🆙🅿️🆕",  # "хуже."
    "🆒🆕🆔🆓🅾️🆖🅿️🆗🆙🆒",  # "Хочет"
    "🆕🆔🆒🅾️🆓🆖🅿️🆗🆙🆕",  # "попробовать"
    "🆖🅿️🆗🆒🆕🅾️🆓🆔🆙🆓🆖",  # "первое"
    "🅾️🆖🆒🆕🅿️🆓🆔🆙🆖🅿️",  # "в"
    "🆒🆕🅿️🆓🆖🅾️🆗🆔🆙🆓",  # "мире"
    "🆖🅿️🆓🆒🆗🅾️🆕🆔🆙🆓",  # "эволюционное"
    "🆖🅿️🆒🆕🆔🅾️🆓🆙🆔🆓",  # "программирование?"
    "🆒🅾️🆓🆙🆔🆓🆕🆗🆖🅿️",  # "))"
] * 3

# Список черепушек
SKULLS = ["💀", "☠️", "🏴‍☠️"]
# Список цветочков и бабочек
FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES = ["🌼", "🌸", "💐", "🌹", "🌻", "🌷", "🦋", "🌈"]

def is_prime(n):
    """Проверка простого числа"""
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

def nth_prime(n):
    """Поиск n-го простого числа"""
    count = 0
    num = 1
    while count < n:
        num += 1
        if is_prime(num):
            count += 1
    return num

def draw_scene(stdscr, position, scenery, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, timer, show_prompt=False, extra=""):
    if show_prompt:
        stdscr.addstr(0, 0, f"¡Налево пойдёшь — козлёночком станешь! !Через два часа вы будете абсолютно счастливыми! !Направо пойдешь — мы сделаем вас счастливыми!")
        stdscr.addstr(1, 0, f"{extra}")
        stdscr.addstr(0, 0, f"Moves: {moves}")
        stdscr.addstr(1, 0, f"Speed: {extra}")
        stdscr.addstr(2, 0, f"Timer: {timer}")
        stdscr.addstr(3, 0, f"Game: [\"💀\"*{skull_counts['💀']}, \"☠️\"*{skull_counts['☠️']}, \"🏴‍☠️\"*{skull_counts['🏴‍☠️']}]")
        for idx in range(scene_index + 1):
            current_scene = scenery[idx]
            for i in range(10):
                if idx == scene_index and i == position:
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, "🤠")
                elif current_scene[i] == "✨" and (idx == scene_index and i == position):
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, "✨")
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, current_scene[i])
        coords = f"Position: ({position + 1}, {nth_prime(scene_index + 1)})\n{extra}"
        stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 6, 0, coords)

def start():
    position = 0
    scene_index = 0
    moves = 0
    skull_counts = {"💀": 0, "☠️": 0, "🏴‍☠️": 0}
    count = 0
    # MAGIC = """

    def game(stdscr):
        nonlocal position, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, count, SUPERMAGIC
        count += 1


        start_time = datetime.now()
        timer_duration = timedelta(seconds=10)
        prompt_shown = False

        while True:
            current_time = datetime.now()
            timer = (start_time + timer_duration - current_time).seconds

            if timer <= 0:
                draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, timer, show_prompt=True, extra=MAGIC)
                stdscr.timeout(-1)  # Wait for user input
                key = stdscr.getch()
                if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
                    return True
                elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
                    return False
                # ¡Падажи!
                import time
                time.sleep(timer/(10*count + moves))
                # MAGIC = mutate_code(code)
                key = stdscr.getch()
                if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT and position < 9:
                    position += 1
                    moves += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT and position > 0:
                    position -= 1
                    moves += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and scene_index < len(SCENERY) - 1:
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    scene_index += 1
                    moves += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_UP and scene_index > 0:
                    scene_index -= 1
                    moves += 1

                elif key == ord(' '):
                    if timer > 0:

                current_cell = SCENERY[scene_index][position]

                if current_cell == "🤠":
                    new_skull = random.choice(SKULLS)
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + new_skull + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    skull_counts[new_skull] += 1

                elif current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                    if current_cell == "🦋" or current_cell == "🌈":
                        SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                        next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                        if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                            next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                            stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 4, position * 2, next_cell)

                if key == ord(' '):
                    if current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                        next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                        if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                            next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                            SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + next_cell + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])

                draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, timer, extra=timer/(count + moves))

                if key == ord('q'):

        # if timer > 0:
        #     import time
        #     time.sleep(0.1)

        return timer > 0 and key == curses.KEY_RIGHT

    return curses.wrapper(game)

def test(frames):
    expected_frames = [
        "000 🌵🏜️🌞🏇🤠🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏",
        "001 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "002 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼✨💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "003 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸✨🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "005 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐✨🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "007 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "011 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "012 🌵🏜️🌞🏇💀🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄"

    total_similarity = 0
    for i, expected_frame in enumerate(expected_frames):
        if i >= len(frames):
        similarity = calculate_similarity(frames[i], expected_frame)
        total_similarity += similarity

    max_similarity = len(expected_frames)

    return total_similarity / max_similarity

def calculate_similarity(frame1, frame2):
    # Преобразуем строки в списки символов для посимвольного сравнения
    frame1_chars = list(frame1)
    frame2_chars = list(frame2)

    # Вычисляем минимальную длину между двумя кадрами
    min_length = min(len(frame1_chars), len(frame2_chars))

    # Сравниваем каждый символ и считаем совпадения
    matches = sum(1 for i in range(min_length) if frame1_chars[i] == frame2_chars[i])

    # Возвращаем коэффициент похожести как отношение совпадений к длине кадра
    return matches / max(len(frame1_chars), len(frame2_chars))

def create_test_frames(expected_frames, match_ratio):
    test_frames = []
    for frame in expected_frames:
        frame_chars = list(frame)
        num_chars = len(frame_chars)
        num_matches = int(num_chars * match_ratio)
        for i in range(num_matches):
            frame_chars[i] = frame[i]
        for i in range(num_matches, num_chars):
            frame_chars[i] = random.choice("🌵🏜️🌞🏇🤠🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏🌼🌸💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄")
    return test_frames

def nature(start_func, test_func):

    # Ожидаемые коэффициенты для различных уровней похожести
    expected_similarities = {
        0.000: 0.034,
        0.100: 0.124,
        0.200: 0.205,
        0.300: 0.300,
        0.400: 0.400,
        0.500: 0.526,
        0.600: 0.600,
        0.700: 0.702,
        0.800: 0.807,
        0.900: 0.900,
        0.990: 0.963,
        0.999: 0.967

    def mutate_code(code):
        tree = ast.parse(code)

        class Mutator(ast.NodeTransformer):
            def visit_BinOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.Add() if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub) else ast.Sub()
                return node

            def visit_Compare(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.ops = [ast.Gt() if isinstance(node.ops[0], ast.Lt) else ast.Lt()]
                return node

            def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.Or() if isinstance(node.op, ast.And) else ast.And()
                return node

            def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.UAdd() if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub) else ast.USub()
                return node

            def visit_If(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.body, node.orelse = node.orelse, node.body
                return node

            def visit_BinOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.left, node.right = node.right, node.left
                return node

        tree = Mutator().visit(tree)
        return astor.to_source(tree)

    mutation_count = 0
    SUPERMAGIC = start_code
    # MAGIC = start_code
    while mutation_count < 1000:
            prin(xxx("SUPERMAGIC", MAGIC))
            MAGIC = mutate_code(SUPERMAGIC)
            exec(MAGIC, {'LOVE': MAGIC, **globals()})
            frames = start_func()
            result = test_func(frames)
            if result > 0.5:
                print("Mutation successful!")
                print(xxx("MAGIC", MAGIC))
        except Exception as e:

        mutation_count += 1

    if mutation_count >= 1000:
        print(xxx("VooDooMagic", start_code))

# Запуск природы
nature(start, test)Language:Python

Not quite. **Sync 🪬 Studio** harnesses the power of AI to generate safe, reusable code, making connector development as simple as copy-pasting. Let your imagination and **Sync 🪬 Studio** work together to create seamless integrations effortlessly.

La Thèse: #VooDooDynamics2024

# Каша из топора!
import random
import ast
import astor
import curses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

start_code = """
import random
import ast
import astor
import curses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import dill

def Zion(func):
    return dill.source.getsource(func)

# Пример использования
def example_function():
    return "Hello, world!"

# Получение кода функции в виде строки

code_string = Zion(example_function)



MAGIC2 = '''
moves = 0
def start_init():
    position = 0
    scene_index = 0
    skull_counts = {"💀": 0, "☠️": 0, "🏴‍☠️": 0, "✨": 0}
    SUPERMOVES = moves
    superstars = 0

    def game(stdscr):
        nonlocal position, scene_index, SUPERMOVES, skull_counts, superstars


        start_time = datetime.now()
        timer_duration = timedelta(seconds=10)

        while True:
            current_time = datetime.now()
            timer = (start_time + timer_duration - current_time).seconds

            key = stdscr.getch()

            if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT and position < 9:
                position += 1
                SUPERMOVES += 1
                superstars += 1  # Увеличиваем количество звездочек при движении вправо
            elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT and position > 0:
                position -= 1
                SUPERMOVES += 1
            elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and scene_index < len(SCENERY) - 1:
                SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                scene_index += 1
                SUPERMOVES += 1
            elif key == curses.KEY_UP and scene_index > 0:
                scene_index -= 1
                SUPERMOVES += 1

            current_cell = SCENERY[scene_index][position]

            if current_cell == "🤠":
                new_skull = random.choice(SKULLS)
                SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + new_skull + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                skull_counts[new_skull] += 1

            elif current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                if current_cell == "🦋" or current_cell == "🌈":
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                    if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                        next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                        stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 4, position * 2, next_cell)

            if key == ord(' '):
                if current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                    next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                    if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                        next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                        SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + next_cell + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])

            draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, SUPERMOVES, skull_counts, timer, SUPERMAGIC, superstars=MAGIC)
            SUPERMAGIC = xxx(SUPERMAGIC)
            if key == ord('q'):

            if timer <= 0:

            if not SUPERMAGIC:
                SUPERMAGIC = MAGIC

        return timer > 0 and key == curses.KEY_RIGHT

    return curses.wrapper(game)

MAGIC = start_code
MAGIC = MAGIC.replace("XxX", start_code)
MAGIC = MAGIC.replace("ZZZ", start_code)
MAGIC = MAGIC.replace("xXx", start_code)
superstars = 0

def beautify_code(code):
    Beautifies the provided code by adding consistent indentation, spaces around operators, etc.
        import autopep8
        return autopep8.fix_code(code)
    except ImportError:
        return code  # In case autopep8 is not installed, return the original code

def xxx2(TITLE, text):
    print(f"=== === {TITLE} === ===")
    lines = text.split('\n')
    result = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
        result.append(f"{i:03} {line}")
    formatted_text = '\n'.join(result)
    beautified_text = beautify_code(text)
    beautified_lines = beautified_text.split('\n')
    beautified_result = []
    for i, line in enumerate(beautified_lines, 1):
        beautified_result.append(f"{i:03} {line}")
    beautified_formatted_text = '\n'.join(beautified_result)

    print("=== === Beautified Code === ===")

    ddd = globals()

    while True:
        # Выполнение кода из текста
        exec(text, ddd)

        # Проверка наличия переменной с именем TITLE
        if TITLE in ddd:
            return formatted_text, beautified_formatted_text
            text = start_code
            TITLE = f"RE: {TITLE}"

def xxx(TITLE, text):
    print(f"=== === {TITLE} === ===")
    lines = text.split('\n')
    result = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
        result.append(f"{i:03} {line}")
    formatted_text = '\n'.join(result)

    ddd = globals()

    while True:
        # Выполнение кода из текста
        exec(text, ddd)

        # Проверка наличия переменной с именем TITLE
        if TITLE in ddd:
            return formatted_text
            text = start_code
            TITLE = f"RE: {TITLE}"

    print(xxx2(TITLE, text))

# Заранее подготовленные сцены из смайликов, каждый кадр содержит 10 смайликов
    "🔠🅰️🅱️🔤🆎🆑🆘🆚🈁🈂️",  # "Там"
    "🈷️🈶🈯🈚🈹🈵🈴🉐🈸🈷️",  # "всё"
    "🅾️🆗🆙🆒🆕🆓🆖🅿️🅾️🆚",  # "просто."
    "🆔🆖🆗🆙🆒🆓🆕🅿️🆖🅰️",  # "Я"
    "🆑🆒🆕🆓🆙🆗🆔🅿️🆖🆚",  # "придумал"
    "🅾️🆗🆙🆓🅿️🆔🆒🆖🅿️🆕",  # "функцию,"
    "🅿️🆕🆔🆒🅾️🆗🆖🆓🅰️🆙",  # "которая"
    "🆕🅿️🆓🆖🅿️🆔🆑🆚🅾️🆗",  # "сама"
    "🆖🅾️🆗🆓🆙🅿️🆔🆒🅾️🆕",  # "себя"
    "🆒🆓🆖🆔🅾️🆙🆕🅿️🆗🆖",  # "модифицирует"
    "🆖🆓🅿️🅾️🆗🆙🆔🆒🅿️🆕",  # "в"
    "🆓🅾️🆖🆙🆒🅿️🆗🆕🆔🅿️",  # "соответствии"
    "🆗🆙🆔🆓🅾️🆖🆒🅿️🆕🆔",  # "с"
    "🆕🆖🆓🅾️🆔🆒🆙🆗🆓🆕",  # "пожеланиями"
    "🅿️🆔🆕🆓🆙🆖🆒🅾️🆗🆓",  # "игрока,"
    "🆓🆖🆕🅿️🆒🅾️🆙🆔🆓🅿️",  # "который"
    "🆕🆓🅾️🆙🆒🅿️🆖🆔🅿️🆗",  # "10"
    "🅿️🆒🆓🆕🆔🆙🅾️🆖🆗🆕",  # "секунд"
    "🆓🅿️🆒🆗🆖🆕🆔🅾️🆙🆓",  # "играет"
    "🆕🆔🅿️🆒🅾️🆗🆙🆓🆖🅿️",  # "с"
    "🆓🆖🅾️🆔🆙🆗🅿️🆒🆕🅿️",  # "новым"
    "🆕🆔🅾️🆖🆓🅿️🆒🆗🆙🆕",  # "кодом"
    "🆓🅾️🆖🆒🅿️🆗🆙🆕🆔🆓",  # "игры"
    "🆕🅿️🆖🆒🅾️🆗🆙🆓🆔🅿️",  # "и"
    "🆗🆒🅾️🆖🆓🆙🅿️🆕🆔🅿️",  # "потом"
    "🅿️🆔🆗🆒🅾️🆕🆓🆖🆙🆓",  # "опять"
    "🆔🆓🅾️🆗🆖🆙🆒🅿️🆕🅿️",  # "выбирает"
    "🆓🆖🅿️🆒🆕🆔🅾️🆙🆓🆗",  # "код"
    "🆒🆗🅾️🆕🆓🆖🆙🆔🆓🅿️",  # "стал"
    "🆕🆔🆓🅾️🆖🆗🆒🅿️🆙🅿️",  # "лучше"
    "🆓🆒🆖🆕🆔🅾️🆗🅿️🆙🆓",  # "или"
    "🆕🆔🆗🅾️🆓🆖🆒🅿️🆙🆓",  # "код"
    "🆗🅾️🆒🆖🆓🆕🆔🅿️🆙🆓",  # "стал"
    "🆖🆔🆗🅾️🆕🆒🆓🆙🅿️🆕",  # "хуже."
    "🆒🆕🆔🆓🅾️🆖🅿️🆗🆙🆒",  # "Хочет"
    "🆕🆔🆒🅾️🆓🆖🅿️🆗🆙🆕",  # "попробовать"
    "🆖🅿️🆗🆒🆕🅾️🆓🆔🆙🆓🆖",  # "первое"
    "🅾️🆖🆒🆕🅿️🆓🆔🆙🆖🅿️",  # "в"
    "🆒🆕🅿️🆓🆖🅾️🆗🆔🆙🆓",  # "мире"
    "🆖🅿️🆓🆒🆗🅾️🆕🆔🆙🆓",  # "эволюционное"
    "🆖🅿️🆒🆕🆔🅾️🆓🆙🆔🆓",  # "программирование?"
    "🆒🅾️🆓🆙🆔🆓🆕🆗🆖🅿️",  # "))"
] * 3

# Список черепушек
SKULLS = ["💀", "☠️", "🏴‍☠️"]
# Список цветочков и бабочек
FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES = ["🌼", "🌸", "💐", "🌹", "🌻", "🌷", "🦋", "🌈"]

def is_prime(n):
    """Проверка простого числа"""
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

def nth_prime(n):
    """Поиск n-го простого числа"""
    count = 0
    num = 1
    while count < n:
        num += 1
        if is_prime(num):
            count += 1
    return num

def draw_scene(stdscr, position, scenery, scene_index, moves, skull_counts, timer, show_prompt=False, extra="", superstars=0):
    if extra == "SUPERMAGIC = 'TODO'":
        extra = MAGIC

    if "SUPERMAGIC = 'TODO'" in [extra, superstars]:
        extra = MAGIC

    if show_prompt:
        stdscr.addstr(0, 0, f"¡Налево пойдёшь — козлёночком станешь! !Через два часа вы будете абсолютно счастливыми! !Направо пойдешь — мы сделаем вас счастливыми!")
        stdscr.addstr(1, 0, f"{XXXMAGIC}")
        stdscr.addstr(2, 0, f"{extra}")
        stdscr.addstr(0, 0, f"Moves: {moves}")
        stdscr.addstr(1, 0, f"Speed: {extra}")
        stdscr.addstr(2, 0, f"Timer: {timer}")
        stdscr.addstr(3, 0, f"Game: [\"✨\"*{superstars}, \"💀\"*{skull_counts['💀']}, \"☠️\"*{skull_counts['☠️']}, \"🏴‍☠️\"*{skull_counts['🏴‍☠️']}]")
        for idx in range(scene_index + 1):
            current_scene = scenery[idx]
            for i in range(10):
                if idx == scene_index and i == position:
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, "🤠")
                elif current_scene[i] == "✨" and (idx == scene_index and i == position):
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, "✨")
                    stdscr.addstr(idx + 5, i * 2, current_scene[i])
        coords = f"Position: ({position + 1}, {nth_prime(scene_index + 1)})\n{extra}"
        stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 6, 0, coords)

moves = 0

def start():
    SUPERMOVES = moves
    position = 0
    scene_index = 0
    skull_counts = {"💀": 0, "☠️": 0, "🏴‍☠️": 0}
    count = 0
    superstars = 0

    def game(stdscr):
        nonlocal position, scene_index, SUPERMOVES, skull_counts, count, superstars
        count += 1


        start_time = datetime.now()
        timer_duration = timedelta(seconds=10)
        prompt_shown = False

        while True:
            current_time = datetime.now()
            timer = (start_time + timer_duration - current_time).seconds

            if timer <= 0:
                draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, SUPERMOVES, skull_counts, timer, show_prompt=True, extra=SUPERMAGIC, superstars=superstars)
                stdscr.timeout(-1)  # Wait for user input
                key = stdscr.getch()
                if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
                    return True
                elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
                    return False
                # ¡Падажи!
                import time
                time.sleep(timer/(10*count + SUPERMOVES))
                # MAGIC = mutate_code(code)
                key = stdscr.getch()
                if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT and position < 9:
                    position += 1
                    SUPERMOVES += 1
                    superstars += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT and position > 0:
                    position -= 1
                    SUPERMOVES += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and scene_index < len(SCENERY) - 1:
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    scene_index += 1
                    SUPERMOVES += 1
                elif key == curses.KEY_UP and scene_index > 0:
                    scene_index -= 1
                    SUPERMOVES += 1

                elif key == ord(' '):
                    if timer > 0:

                current_cell = SCENERY[scene_index][position]

                if current_cell == "🤠":
                    new_skull = random.choice(SKULLS)
                    SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + new_skull + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                    skull_counts[new_skull] += 1

                elif current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                    if current_cell == "🦋" or current_cell == "🌈":
                        SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + "✨" + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])
                        next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                        if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                            next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                            stdscr.addstr(scene_index + 4, position * 2, next_cell)

                if key == ord(' '):
                    if current_cell in FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES:
                        next_index = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES.index(current_cell) + 1
                        if next_index < len(FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES):
                            next_cell = FLOWERS_AND_BUTTERFLIES[next_index]
                            SCENERY[scene_index] = (SCENERY[scene_index][:position] + next_cell + SCENERY[scene_index][position + 1:])

                draw_scene(stdscr, position, SCENERY, scene_index, SUPERMOVES, skull_counts, timer, extra=SUPERMAGIC, superstars=superstars)

                if key == ord('q'):

        return timer > 0 and key == curses.KEY_RIGHT

    return curses.wrapper(game)

def test(frames):
    expected_frames = [
        "000 🌵🏜️🌞🏇🤠🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏",
        "001 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "002 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼✨💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "003 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸✨🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "005 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐✨🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "007 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "011 🌵🏜️🌞🏇✨🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄",
        "012 🌵🏜️🌞🏇💀🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏\n🌼🌸💐🌹✨🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄"

    total_similarity = 0
    for i, expected_frame in enumerate(expected_frames):
        if i >= len(frames):
        similarity = calculate_similarity(frames[i], expected_frame)
        total_similarity += similarity

    max_similarity = len(expected_frames)

    return total_similarity / max_similarity

def calculate_similarity(frame1, frame2):
    # Преобразуем строки в списки символов для посимвольного сравнения
    frame1_chars = list(frame1)
    frame2_chars = list(frame2)

    # Вычисляем минимальную длину между двумя кадрами
    min_length = min(len(frame1_chars), len(frame2_chars))

    # Сравниваем каждый символ и считаем совпадения
    matches = sum(1 for i in range(min_length) if frame1_chars[i] == frame2_chars[i])

    # Возвращаем коэффициент похожести как отношение совпадений к длине кадра
    return matches / max(len(frame1_chars), len(frame2_chars))

def create_test_frames(expected_frames, match_ratio):
    test_frames = []
    for frame in expected_frames:
        frame_chars = list(frame)
        num_chars = len(frame_chars)
        num_matches = int(num_chars * match_ratio)
        for i in range(num_matches):
            frame_chars[i] = frame[i]
        for i in range(num_matches, num_chars):
            frame_chars[i] = random.choice("🌵🏜️🌞🏇🤠🦋🏳️‍🌈✨🌈🙏🌼🌸💐🌹🌻🌲🌳🌴🌵🎄")
    return test_frames

def nature(start_func, test_func):
    # Ожидаемые коэффициенты для различных уровней похожести
    expected_similarities = {
        0.000: 0.034,
        0.100: 0.124,
        0.200: 0.205,
        0.300: 0.300,
        0.400: 0.400,
        0.500: 0.526,
        0.600: 0.600,
        0.700: 0.702,
        0.800: 0.807,
        0.900: 0.900,
        0.990: 0.963,
        0.999: 0.967

    def mutate_code(code):
        tree = ast.parse(code)

        class Mutator(ast.NodeTransformer):
            def visit_BinOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.Add() if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub) else ast.Sub()
                return node

            def visit_Compare(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.ops = [ast.Gt() if isinstance(node.ops[0], ast.Lt) else ast.Lt()]
                return node

            def visit_BoolOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.Or() if isinstance(node.op, ast.And) else ast.And()
                return node

            def visit_UnaryOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.op = ast.UAdd() if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub) else ast.USub()
                return node

            def visit_If(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.body, node.orelse = node.orelse, node.body
                return node

            def visit_BinOp(self, node):
                if random.random() < 0.5:
                    node.left, node.right = node.right, node.left
                return node

        tree = Mutator().visit(tree)
        return astor.to_source(tree)

    mutation_count = 0
    SUPERMAGIC = start_code
    while mutation_count < 1000:
            print(xxx("SUPERMAGIC", SUPERMAGIC))
            MAGIC = mutate_code(SUPERMAGIC)
            exec(MAGIC, {'LOVE': MAGIC, **globals()})
            frames = start_func()
            result = test_func(frames)
            if result > 0.5:
                print("Mutation successful!")
                print(xxx("MAGIC", MAGIC))
        except Exception as e:

        mutation_count += 1

    if mutation_count >= 1000:
        print(xxx("VooDooMagic", start_code))

# Запуск природы
nature(start, test)Language:Python

The Magician represents manifestation, power, and creativity. This card encourages you to harness your skills and talents to bring your visions to life.