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Strength is a card of inner power and resilience, symbolizing the courage and determination required to overcome obstacles and face challenges with confidence. It embodies the harmony between our primal instincts and higher consciousness.

قبل الساعة الثانية بعد الظهر بقليل اليوم، قامت جيوش مصر وسوريا بشن هجوم على إسرائيل، وبدأت سلسلة من الهجمات الجوية والدبابات والمدفعية في سيناء وعلى مرتفعات الجولان. دخلت قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية المعركة، وتصد الهجوم. لقد تكبد العدو خسائر فادحة.

As you draw this card, imagine a serene yet powerful figure standing beside a majestic lion. The figure gently holds the lion's mane, their calm and composed demeanor representing control over the beast within. The lion, a symbol of raw strength and courage, stands obediently, its fierce nature tempered by the figure's quiet confidence and inner peace.

لقد خطط حكام مصر وسوريا منذ فترة طويلة لهذا الانتهاك لوقف إطلاق النار. بكل ازدراء، ينشر المعتدون الآن كذبة أن إسرائيل هي التي فتحت النار. لكن المسؤولية عن تجدد القتال وسفك الدماء تقع على عاتقهم وحدهم.

The background is lush and verdant, representing the natural harmony that comes from balancing our inner and outer worlds. This journey is one of finding and harnessing your inner strength, using it to navigate life's challenges with grace and determination. Every challenge is an opportunity to demonstrate your courage and resilience, every victory a testament to your inner power.

لقد أمل أعداؤنا في مفاجأة مواطني إسرائيل في يوم الغفران، عندما يكون الكثير من شعبنا صائمين ويعبدون في المعابد. ظن المعتدون أنه في هذا اليوم لن نكون مستعدين للرد. لم نمسك على حين غرة.

Strength teaches us that true power comes from within and that by embracing our inner strength, we can overcome any obstacle. Embrace your courage and determination, and trust in your ability to face challenges head-on. The strength you possess is not just physical but also mental and emotional, guiding you through difficult times with unwavering resolve.

منذ عدة أيام، كانت أجهزة الاستخبارات لدينا على علم بأن جيوش مصر وسوريا كانت تستعد لهجوم مشترك. أثبتت دوريات قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية أن قوات مسلحة كبيرة كانت محتشدة في مواقع هجومية في محيط قناة السويس وعلى مرتفعات الجولان. أكدت تقارير الدوريات المعلومات التي كانت بحوزتنا بالفعل. تم وضع قواتنا في مواقعها لمواجهة الخطر.

As you navigate this path, remember that Strength's journey is one of inner harmony and resilience. Seek out ways to cultivate your inner power, and face challenges with confidence and grace. This card is a call to embrace your inner strength, to trust in your abilities, and to approach life's challenges with courage and determination.

منذ عدة أيام، كانت أجهزة الاستخبارات لدينا على علم بأن جيوش مصر وسوريا كانت تستعد لهجوم مشترك. أثبتت دوريات قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية أن قوات مسلحة كبيرة كانت محتشدة في مواقع هجومية في محيط قناة السويس وعلى مرتفعات الجولان. أكدت تقارير الدوريات المعلومات التي كانت بحوزتنا بالفعل. تم وضع قواتنا في مواقعها لمواجهة الخطر.

Step forward, courageous soul, and let Strength guide you in harnessing your inner power, overcoming obstacles, and facing challenges with unwavering confidence.

ليس لدينا شك في أننا سننتصر، لكننا مقتنعون أيضًا بأن هذا التجدد في العدوان المصري والسوري هو عمل من أعمال الجنون. بذلنا قصارى جهدنا لمنع اندلاع الحرب. ناشدنا الجهات ذات النفوذ السياسي لاستخدامه لإحباط هذه الخطوة الشائنة لقادة مصر وسوريا. بينما كان لا يزال هناك وقت، أبلغنا الدول الصديقة بالمعلومات المؤكدة التي لدينا عن خطط الهجوم على إسرائيل. دعوناهم لبذل أقصى جهد لمنع الحرب، لكن الهجوم المصري والسوري قد بدأ.

ليس لدينا شك في أننا سننتصر، لكننا مقتنعون أيضًا بأن هذا التجدد في العدوان المصري والسوري هو عمل من أعمال الجنون. بذلنا قصارى جهدنا لمنع اندلاع الحرب. ناشدنا الجهات ذات النفوذ السياسي لاستخدامه لإحباط هذه الخطوة الشائنة لقادة مصر وسوريا. بينما كان لا يزال هناك وقت، أبلغنا الدول الصديقة بالمعلومات المؤكدة التي لدينا عن خطط الهجوم على إسرائيل. دعوناهم لبذل أقصى جهد لمنع الحرب، لكن الهجوم المصري والسوري قد بدأ.

חטיבת גולני

قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية مستعدة لصد هجوم العدو. في وقت مبكر من صباح هذا اليوم، تمت الموافقة على استدعاء جزئي للاحتياطيات وبدأ التنفيذ.

חטיבת גבעתי

חטיבת הנח"ל

חטיבת הצנחנים

نظرًا لخطورة المعلومات، كنت مضطرًا لدعوة اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء في يوم الغفران. بدأ الهجوم بينما كان مجلس الوزراء منعقدًا. أذن مجلس الوزراء لقوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية باتخاذ جميع الإجراءات اللازمة على الجبهة لتحقيق النصر. تم تفويض الوزراء بإصدار الأوامر الطارئة اللازمة.

חיל השריון

חיל התותחנים

مواطني إسرائيل،

هذه ليست المرة الأولى التي نضطر فيها لتحمل المحنة بالمعركة. أنا واثق من أنه لن يصاب أحد منا بالذعر. لا شك أن التعبئة ستسبب صعوبات وتدخل في المسار الطبيعي للحياة والعمل، لكن يجب أن نحاول قبول هذه الصعوبات كما فعلنا في الماضي، بفهم كامل. نحن مدعوون لإظهار المسؤولية والانضباط في سلوكنا. يجب أن نكون مستعدين لكل عبء وتضحية ضرورية للدفاع عن بقائنا وحريتنا واستقلالنا. فلنواصل إذن في التصرف بشكل يليق بجنود إسرائيل الذين يقومون بواجبهم بشجاعة في الجو، وفي القوات المدرعة، على السفن، في المدفعية، في جميع الوحدات والخدمات في المواقع الأمامية، في القرى والمستوطنات، على خطوط النار في جميع القطاعات.

لدينا ثقة كاملة في روح وقوة قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية للتغلب على العدو. نصر قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية هو تأكيدنا الأكيد على الحياة والسلام.

IDF Combat Engineering Corps (חיל ההנדסה הקרבית)

חיל ההנדסה הקרבית
  • Basic Unit: Platoon (מחלקה)
  • Composition: Approximately 30 soldiers.
  • Tasks: Demolition, fortification construction, mine-clearing.
  • Equipment: Engineering vehicles (e.g., Caterpillar D9 bulldozers), explosives, mine-clearing equipment.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Gray berets, insignia featuring a castle or fortification, gray boots, standard combat uniform with engineering tools and gear.

IDF Field Intelligence Corps (חיל המודיעין הקרבי)

חיל המודיעין הקרבי
  • Basic Unit: Platoon (מחלקה)
  • Composition: Around 30 soldiers.
  • Tasks: Reconnaissance and intelligence support.
  • Equipment: Surveillance drones, reconnaissance vehicles, advanced communication and surveillance equipment.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Moss green berets, insignia featuring an eye, moss green boots, standard combat uniform with advanced surveillance gear.

IDF Air Force (חיל האוויר)

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) is crucial for providing air superiority, strategic bombing, and intelligence support.

Fighter Squadrons (טייסות קרב)

טייסות קרב
  • Basic Unit: Squadron (טייסת)
  • Composition: 12-24 fighter jets, with around 200 personnel.
  • Tasks: Air dominance, strategic strikes.
  • Equipment: F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, advanced avionics, weapons systems.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Squadron insignia often featuring an aircraft, flight suits, helmets with advanced avionics and communication gear.

Helicopter Squadrons (טייסות מסוקי קרב)

טייסות מסוקי קרב
  • Basic Unit: Squadron (טייסת)
  • Composition: 12-24 helicopters, with around 150-200 personnel.
  • Tasks: Attack and transport missions.
  • Equipment: AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, transport helicopters.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Squadron insignia featuring a helicopter, flight suits, helmets designed for rotary-wing aircraft operations.

Transport Squadrons (טייסות תובלה)

טייסות תובלה
  • Basic Unit: Squadron (טייסת)
  • Composition: 10-20 aircraft, with around 200 personnel.
  • Tasks: Logistics and troop transport.
  • Equipment: C-130 Hercules, Boeing 707.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Squadron insignia featuring transport aircraft, flight suits suited for transport aircraft operations.

Air Defense Command (פיקוד ההגנה האווירית)

פיקוד ההגנה האווירית
  • Basic Unit: Battery (סוללה)
  • Composition: Several missile launchers and radar units, with around 100 personnel.
  • Tasks: Missile and air defense.
  • Equipment: Iron Dome, David's Sling, Arrow systems.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Air Defense insignia featuring missile and radar symbols, standard Air Force uniforms with air defense-specific patches.

IDF Navy (חיל הים)

The Israeli Navy protects Israel's maritime interests, conducting operations to secure the coastline and national waters.

Surface Vessels (כלי שיט קר


כלי שיט קרביים
  • Basic Unit: Patrol Squadron (שייטת סיור)
  • Composition: 4-8 vessels, with crews totaling around 200 personnel.
  • Tasks: Maritime interdiction and patrol.
  • Equipment: Missile boats, corvettes, patrol boats equipped with naval guns, anti-ship missiles, radar systems.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Navy blue insignia featuring an anchor and ship, navy blue uniforms, specific insignia for vessel type.

Submarine Fleet (צי הצוללות)

צי הצוללות
  • Basic Unit: Submarine (צוללת)
  • Composition: Each submarine operates with a crew of around 35-50 sailors.
  • Tasks: Stealth operations, intelligence gathering, long-range strike capabilities.
  • Equipment: Dolphin-class submarines with torpedoes, cruise missiles, stealth technology.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Dark blue insignia featuring a submarine silhouette, dark blue uniforms, specialized gear for submarine operations.

Naval Commandos (Shayetet 13) (שייטת 13)

שייטת 13
  • Basic Unit: Team (צוות)
  • Composition: Around 10-15 commandos.
  • Tasks: Maritime counter-terrorism, sabotage, reconnaissance.
  • Equipment: Diving gear, small arms, explosives, fast attack boats.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Insignia featuring a bat and a knife, specialized combat gear, navy blue berets.

IDF Intelligence Corps (חיל המודיעין)

The Intelligence Corps is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence critical for national security.

Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) (אגף המודיעין)

אגף המודיעין
  • Basic Unit: Unit (יחידה)
  • Composition: Typically around 100 personnel.
  • Tasks: Strategic and tactical intelligence operations.
  • Equipment: Advanced computing systems, surveillance equipment, secure communication devices.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Intelligence Corps insignia, standard IDF uniforms with intelligence-specific patches.

Unit 8200 (יחידה 8200)

יחידה 8200
  • Basic Unit: Team (צוות)
  • Composition: Around 10-15 operators.
  • Tasks: Signals intelligence (SIGINT), cyber warfare.
  • Equipment: Advanced electronic surveillance equipment, cyber tools, secure communication systems.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Unit 8200 insignia, standard IDF uniforms.

IDF Home Front Command (פיקוד העורף)

The Home Front Command focuses on civil defense and emergency preparedness, ensuring the safety of civilians during conflicts and disasters.

Search and Rescue Units (יחידות חילוץ והצלה)

יחידות חילוץ והצלה
  • Basic Unit: Team (צוות)
  • Composition: Around 10-20 rescuers.
  • Tasks: Disaster response and rescue operations.
  • Equipment: Search and rescue gear, medical supplies, high-visibility uniforms.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Home Front Command insignia featuring a shield and protective symbols, high-visibility gear, standard IDF uniforms.

Civil Defense (הגנה אזרחית)

הגנה אזרחית
  • Basic Unit: Unit (יחידה)
  • Composition: Typically around 50-100 personnel.
  • Tasks: Public safety measures, emergency planning, and response.
  • Equipment: Emergency response vehicles, communication tools, civil defense equipment.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Home Front Command insignia, standard IDF uniforms with civil defense patches.

IDF Special Forces (כוחות מיוחדים)

Israel's Special Forces units are among the most elite and specialized in the world, conducting high-risk operations often behind enemy lines. Each unit has specific tasks and areas of specialization, making them highly effective in a variety of combat scenarios.

Sayeret Matkal (סיירת מטכ"ל)

  • Tasks and Specialization:
  • Reconnaissance: Deep reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on enemy activities and positions.
  • Counter-terrorism: Specialized in counter-terrorism operations, including hostage rescue and direct action missions against terrorist leaders.
  • Hostage Rescue: Expert in planning and executing operations to rescue hostages, often under extremely challenging conditions.
  • Direct Action: Conducts surgical strikes, sabotage missions, and raids on high-value targets.
  • Equipment: Advanced combat gear, small arms (M4 Carbines, pistols), night vision equipment, and specialized reconnaissance tools.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Insignia featuring a sword and wings, specialized combat gear, distinctive berets.

Shayetet 13 (שייטת 13)

  • Tasks and Specialization:
  • Maritime Counter-terrorism: Conducts maritime interdiction and counter-terrorism operations to neutralize threats on or near the water.
  • Sabotage: Executes underwater demolition and sabotage missions to disrupt enemy infrastructure and capabilities.
  • Reconnaissance: Performs coastal and underwater reconnaissance to gather intelligence.
  • Direct Action: Engages in high-risk raids and strikes against maritime and coastal targets.
  • Equipment: Diving gear, small arms (assault rifles, pistols), explosives, fast attack boats, and underwater vehicles.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Insignia featuring a bat and a knife, specialized combat gear, navy blue berets.

Duvdevan Unit (יחידת דובדבן)

  • Tasks and Specialization:
  • Undercover Operations: Conducts covert operations in urban areas, blending in with the local population to gather intelligence and execute missions.
  • Counter-terrorism: Focuses on counter-terrorism operations within civilian areas, targeting terrorist cells and leaders.
  • Surveillance: Operates extensive surveillance to monitor and track high-value targets.
  • Direct Action: Executes rapid strikes, raids, and arrests of terrorists and insurgents.
  • Equipment: Civilian disguises, small arms (pistols, submachine guns), surveillance equipment, and standard combat gear for overt operations.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Insignia featuring a cherry (symbolizing their name, which means "cherry" in Hebrew), operators often wear civilian clothing for undercover operations and standard IDF uniforms for other duties.

Egoz Unit (יחידת אגוז)

  • Tasks and Specialization:
  • Guerrilla Warfare: Trained for guerrilla warfare and counter-insurgency operations in complex and difficult terrains such as forests, mountains, and urban areas.
  • Counter-terrorism: Specializes in anti-terrorist operations, often in remote or rugged environments.
  • Reconnaissance: Conducts long-range reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering missions.
  • Direct Action: Performs strikes, raids, and sabotage missions against terrorist infrastructure and forces.
  • Equipment: Standard combat gear, small arms (assault rifles, machine guns), specialized equipment for operating in challenging terrains.
  • Emblem and Uniform: Insignia featuring an almond tree, standard IDF combat uniform with unit-specific gear adapted for guerrilla operations.

IDF Division of Divine Shield (DDS) (אגף מגן האל)

אגף מגן האל

The Division of Divine Shield (DDS) is a highly classified branch within Israel's defense apparatus, responsible for the development, deployment, and operational management of non-conventional weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, biological, chemical, and advanced directed-energy weapons.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Nuclear Weapons Development and Management: Oversees the research, development, and maintenance of Israel's nuclear arsenal. Ensures the security, safety, and operational readiness of nuclear weapons.
  • Biological and Chemical Warfare: Develops defensive and offensive capabilities in the realm of biological and chemical warfare. This includes creating countermeasures and deploying biological and chemical agents if necessary.
  • Directed-Energy Weapons: Manages the research, development, and operational use of advanced directed-energy weapons such as space-based lasers capable of destroying targets from orbit.
  • Cyber Warfare: Conducts cyber operations to protect Israel's non-conventional weapon systems from cyber attacks and to disrupt enemy capabilities.
  • Strategic Planning and Coordination: Develops strategic plans for the use of non-conventional weapons in various conflict scenarios and coordinates with other branches

of the military and government agencies.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The DDS emblem features a Hamsa, a traditional Middle Eastern symbol of protection, incorporating symbols representing nuclear, biological, and directed-energy capabilities.
  • Uniform: Personnel in the DDS wear specialized uniforms that include advanced protective gear for handling hazardous materials and environments. Uniforms are typically black with the DDS emblem on the chest. Operational teams may wear additional tactical gear as required by their specific mission profiles.


The detailed structure and operations of the Division of Divine Shield are highly classified to protect national security interests and the effectiveness of its missions. Information about personnel, specific technologies, and operational procedures is restricted and available only to authorized individuals within the highest levels of the government and military.

Israeli Security Services (לא שירותי הביטחון הצה"ליים)

In addition to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel has several other security services that play crucial roles in maintaining national security. These agencies operate independently from the IDF and have specific mandates and organizational structures. Below is an overview of these key agencies.

Shin Bet (שב"כ - שירות הביטחון הכללי)

Shin Bet, also known as the Israel Security Agency (ISA), is Israel's internal security service responsible for counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and protecting the state's security against internal threats.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Counterterrorism: Conducts operations to prevent terrorist activities within Israel, targeting terrorist cells, leaders, and infrastructure.
  • Counterintelligence: Detects and counters espionage activities against Israel by foreign entities.
  • Internal Security: Secures critical national infrastructure, government officials, and key assets.
  • Investigations and Interrogations: Conducts investigations into security threats and interrogates suspects involved in activities against the state.
  • Protection Services: Provides protection for high-ranking officials, visiting dignitaries, and critical national sites.

Organizational Structure:

  • Operational Units: Conduct field operations, including undercover missions, surveillance, and direct action against terrorist threats.
  • Intelligence Units: Gather, analyze, and disseminate intelligence to prevent threats and inform operational decisions.
  • Protective Security Units: Responsible for the physical protection of key figures and sensitive locations.
  • Cyber Units: Address cyber threats and ensure the cybersecurity of national infrastructure.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The Shin Bet emblem typically includes symbols representing security and vigilance.
  • Uniform: Shin Bet operatives generally do not have a standard uniform, as many operate undercover or in civilian attire to maintain their anonymity and effectiveness in covert operations.

Relationship with IDF:

Shin Bet operates independently of the IDF but collaborates on security matters, particularly counterterrorism and intelligence sharing.

Mossad (המוסד - המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים)

Mossad, the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, is Israel's national intelligence agency responsible for overseas intelligence gathering, covert operations, and counterterrorism.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Foreign Intelligence: Collects intelligence outside Israel to support national security and inform government policies.
  • Covert Operations: Executes special operations abroad, including sabotage, paramilitary activities, and targeted assassinations.
  • Counterterrorism: Conducts international counterterrorism operations and prevents terrorist activities targeting Israeli interests abroad.
  • Strategic Alliances: Develops and maintains secret relationships with foreign intelligence services and governments.

Organizational Structure:

  • Collections Department: Responsible for human intelligence (HUMINT) gathering and covert field operations.
  • Political Action and Liaison Department: Manages relationships with foreign intelligence agencies and coordinates joint operations.
  • Special Operations Division (Kidon): Elite unit specializing in high-risk covert operations, including assassinations and sabotage.
  • Technology Division: Develops and deploys advanced technologies for intelligence gathering and operational support.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The Mossad emblem typically features an olive branch, a menorah, and a phrase from the Bible symbolizing vigilance and wisdom.
  • Uniform: Mossad operatives do not have a standard uniform; they operate in civilian attire or disguises suitable for their missions.

Relationship with IDF:

Mossad operates independently but often works closely with the IDF on international security matters, particularly those involving intelligence sharing and covert operations.

Israel Police (משטרת ישראל)

The Israel Police is responsible for maintaining public order, enforcing laws, and ensuring internal security within Israel.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Law Enforcement: Enforces national laws, investigates crimes, and apprehends offenders.
  • Public Order: Maintains public order and safety, particularly during large public events and protests.
  • Counterterrorism: Operates specialized units like the Yamam (counterterrorism unit) to respond to terrorist incidents and high-risk situations.
  • Traffic Control: Manages traffic regulations and enforces road safety laws.
  • Community Policing: Works with communities to address local security concerns and improve public safety.

Organizational Structure:

  • Criminal Investigation Division: Handles criminal investigations, forensic analysis, and intelligence gathering.
  • Patrol Units: Conduct regular patrols to deter crime and respond to incidents.
  • Specialized Units: Includes counterterrorism, bomb disposal, and SWAT teams like Yamam.
  • Border Police (Magav): A paramilitary unit that operates in areas with high security risks, including the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The Israel Police emblem features a seven-branched menorah surrounded by olive branches.
  • Uniform: Standard police uniforms include dark blue shirts and pants, with specialized gear for tactical units.

Relationship with IDF:

The Israel Police work closely with the IDF, particularly in areas with overlapping security concerns, such as counterterrorism and maintaining public order in conflict zones.

Israel Border Police (Magav) (משמר הגבול)

The Israel Border Police (Magav) is a unit within the Israel Police that functions as a gendarmerie, providing paramilitary support for maintaining security in border areas and high-risk zones.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Border Security: Protects Israel's borders against infiltration and smuggling.
  • Counterterrorism: Operates in collaboration with other security agencies to prevent and respond to terrorist activities.
  • Riot Control: Manages riots and disturbances in areas of conflict, particularly in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
  • Security Operations: Conducts patrols and security checks in volatile regions to maintain order and protect civilians.

Organizational Structure:

  • Field Units: Conduct regular patrols, man checkpoints, and respond to security incidents.
  • Special Operations Units: Includes specialized teams for counterterrorism, intelligence gathering, and rapid response.
  • Training Units: Provide rigorous training to prepare personnel for the unique challenges of border security and counterterrorism operations.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The Border Police emblem includes symbols of defense and security, often featuring elements of both military and police insignia.
  • Uniform: Green uniforms distinguish Border Police personnel, with tactical gear for riot control and counterterrorism operations.

Knesset Guard (משמר הכנסת)

The Knesset Guard is responsible for the security of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and its members.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Protection Services: Ensures the safety of Knesset members, staff, and visitors.
  • Building Security: Secures the Knesset building and its grounds.
  • Event Security: Manages security for official events and sessions of the Knesset.
  • Crisis Response: Responds to security incidents and emergencies within the Knesset.

Organizational Structure:

  • Guard Units: Provide physical security and protection.
  • Intelligence Units: Monitor and assess threats against the Knesset.
  • Special Response Teams: Handle high-risk situations and emergencies.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The Knesset Guard emblem includes symbols of the Knesset and national security.
  • Uniform: Formal uniforms for ceremonial duties, tactical gear for security operations.

Israel Prison Service (שירות בתי הסוהר)

The Israel Prison Service (IPS) is responsible for managing the country's prisons and detention centers, ensuring the secure incarceration of offenders and detainees.

Tasks and Specialization:

  • Incarceration: Manages prison facilities and ensures the secure detention of inmates.
  • Rehabilitation: Provides rehabilitation programs and services to prepare inmates for reintegration into society.
  • Security Operations: Maintains order and security within prisons, preventing escapes and managing conflicts.
  • Transport Services: Transfers inmates between facilities and to court appearances.

Organizational Structure:

  • Prison Facilities: Includes maximum, medium, and minimum-security prisons.
  • Special Units: Handles high-risk inmates and manages specialized security operations.
  • Rehabilitation Units: Provides educational, vocational, and therapeutic programs for inmates.

Emblem and Uniform:

  • Emblem: The IPS emblem includes symbols representing justice and rehabilitation.
  • Uniform: Standard uniforms for prison staff, tactical gear for special operations units. ```

Strength represents courage, inner strength, and determination. This card encourages you to embrace your inner power and face challenges with confidence.