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Ceci n'est pas une ***iPod 🪬 Cast***

12 допросов, которые изменили **Мiр**


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Click the image for a quick introduction.

Is It Magic?

Not quite. It's a real story about Russian xXx Pirate.

— Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to a tale from the high seas of time, where a brave pirate finds himself in the most bewilderin' of places—a madhouse of the future. This be the story of a daring pirate whose adventures took a turn for the bizarre when he was judged not by his deeds, but by the color of his trousers.

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Our tale begins with the bold pirate, Captain Silverbeard, who sailed through a temporal storm and found himself washed ashore in a strange new world—an asylum in the distant future. The walls were gleamin' white, and the air was filled with the hum of machines and the soft glow of screens. Silverbeard, accustomed to the rough seas and the salty air, was bewildered by this pristine, sterile environment.

The Confrontation

As Silverbeard wandered the halls, tryin' to make sense of his new surroundings, he was approached by a British officer, dressed in an immaculate uniform. The officer eyed Silverbeard's attire with a look of disdain.

"Sir," the officer began with a voice as cold as the North Sea, "you are accused of a grievous offense against the standards of Her Majesty’s Asylum. Your white trousers are not sufficiently white."

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Запись в дневнике: "Сегодня познакомился с Марией в Каире. Прикосновение к её руке снова перенесло меня в гараж. Она постоянно убеждала меня, что никогда не встречалась с местными арабами. Это казалось странным, как будто она что-то скрывает."

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Silverbeard, confused and indignant, looked down at his trousers. They were indeed white, though not the blinding white of the asylum's walls. "What nonsense be this?" he roared. "These trousers have seen many a battle and storm. They be as white as the day they were stitched!"

The Judgment

The officer, unmoved by Silverbeard's protest, snapped his fingers. Instantly, two burly orderlies appeared and grabbed the pirate by his arms. "You will be confined until your trousers meet our standards," the officer declared. "Take him to the Warden."

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Запись в дневнике: "Прикоснулся к Стене Плача. Мгновенно увидел картину трагического Нового Года. Всё происходило быстро: ужас и слёзы наполнили меня. Голоса тысяч людей, оставляющих записки Богу, слились в единый хор. Все они просили мирного неба над головой и быстрого доступа в интернет. Каждое прошение содержало нотку недоговеренности."

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Silverbeard struggled, but the orderlies were strong. They dragged him through the halls, past rows of cells where other inmates peered out with wide, vacant eyes. Finally, they reached the Warden's office, a grand room filled with screens and strange devices.

The Warden's Plan

The Warden, a stern woman with an air of authority, looked Silverbeard up and down. "You must understand, Captain," she said, "in this asylum, cleanliness and order are paramount. Your trousers must be bleached to perfection."

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Запись в дневнике: "Встретил сегодня Марию на конференции в Петербурге. Её прикосновение вернуло меня в тот проклятый гараж... Маша говорила что-то про войну и блокаду. Её слова звучали, как древний заговор, но она так и не договорила."

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Silverbeard, ever the cunning pirate, saw an opportunity. "Aye, Warden, if it be white trousers ye want, white trousers ye shall have. But know this: I be a man of the sea, and I do not bend easily to the whims of landlubbers."

The Warden smiled, sensing a challenge. "Very well, Captain. If you can endure our treatment and emerge with trousers as white as snow, you will be free to go."

The Trials

And so began Silverbeard's trials. He was subjected to all manner of strange procedures—ultrasonic washing, laser cleaning, and even a bizarre chemical bath. Each day, he was inspected, and each day, his trousers grew whiter. Yet, the pirate's spirit remained unbroken.

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Алексей начинает искать ответы на мучающие его вопросы. Ему всё больше кажется, что Костик пытается донести до него важную информацию через сны. В своих поисках Алексей встречает трех загадочных женщин по имени Мария. Каждая из них обладает какой-то странной аурой и знаниями.

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In his cell, Silverbeard befriended other inmates, sharing tales of the high seas and the treasures he had found. They became his crew, united in their quest to endure the Warden's demands. Together, they plotted their escape, knowing that once their captain's trousers were deemed white enough, they would make their move.

The Great Escape

Finally, the day came when the Warden inspected Silverbeard's trousers and declared them perfect. "You have done well, Captain," she said. "You are free to go."

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Алексей сидит перед своим начальником. Рядом с ним — молодой менеджер. В глазах менеджера читается стыд. Алексей не помнит, что произошло. Он слышит эхо своих слов: "Слушайте, у меня через 5 минут сеанс психотерапии, может потом продолжим?"

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Silverbeard grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Thank ye, Warden. But know this: a pirate never sails alone."

With a signal to his newfound crew, they overpowered the orderlies and made their way to the exit. The halls echoed with their laughter and the clanging of metal as they fought their way to freedom.

The Return to the Sea

Emerging from the asylum, Silverbeard and his crew found themselves on the shores of a vast sea, their ship waiting for them. With a cheer, they boarded the vessel and set sail, leaving the madhouse behind.

As they sailed into the sunset, Silverbeard looked down at his now blindingly white trousers and laughed. "Let this be a lesson, mates: no matter how strange the land or how bizarre the rules, a pirate's spirit can never be tamed."

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And so, Captain Silverbeard and his crew returned to the high seas, their spirits unbroken and their trousers whiter than ever. Their tale became legend, a reminder that no matter where a pirate may find himself, he will always find a way to sail free.

Sail on, me hearties, and may the winds of adventure always be at yer back!

The Magician represents manifestation, power, and creativity. This card encourages you to harness your skills and talents to bring your visions to life.

**Phone:** +32 467 79 41 91
**Email:** info@odoomagic.snow
**xXx:** https://x.com/yelizariev