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12 допросов, которые изменили **Мiр**


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Is It Magic?

Not quite. It's a real story about Russian xXx Pirate.

— Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and let me spin ye a yarn of a most unusual voyage, one filled with unexpected twists and turns, and a lesson in humility that none of us will soon forget. This be the tale of the time I sailed the treacherous seas with a Russian pirate, a man as tough as they come, who found himself in a most peculiar predicament.

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We were on the high seas, bound for distant shores in search of treasure and adventure. Among our crew was a Russian pirate by the name of Ivan the Ironfist, a towering figure with a heart as stout as his fists. Ivan was known for his fierce temper and his love of tobacco, never seen without his trusty pipe.

Our journey took us through the waters patrolled by the Royal Navy, and as fate would have it, we were soon boarded by a British officer—a right proper fellow by the name of Lieutenant Hawthorne. He came aboard with all the pomp and circumstance ye'd expect, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed our ragtag crew.

"Right, listen up, you scallywags," he bellowed. "I have strict orders from Her Majesty's Navy. There'll be no smoking aboard this vessel as long as I’m here, unless ye comply with the dress code!" We looked at each other, puzzled and bemused, but none more so than Ivan, who was already puffin' away on his pipe.

Lieutenant Hawthorne's gaze fell upon Ivan, his eyes narrowing further. "And you there, with the pipe! Your trousers, sir, are not sufficiently black. We have standards to uphold, and you, sir, are in violation!"

The crew erupted in laughter, for Ivan’s trousers, though worn and faded, had seen many battles and carried the scars of countless adventures. But this was no time for mirth, as the lieutenant's expression made it clear he was not jesting.

Ivan’s face turned as red as the sunset. He was a proud man, not accustomed to bein' called out, especially not for the color of his trousers. Yet, the officer's order was clear, and we all knew there'd be no peace until it was resolved.

With a deep sigh and a grumble that could be heard over the waves, Ivan took a step forward. "Alright, alright," he growled, his thick accent rolling like thunder. "I apologize to the crew. No more smoking till I find myself some properly black trousers. A pirate’s gotta follow the rules of the sea, even the strange ones."

The British officer nodded with a smirk, clearly satisfied. As for the rest of us, we tried to stifle our laughter, though our grins were wide. Ivan, ever the stoic, accepted his fate with a shrug, but it was clear he’d be lookin' for a new pair of trousers at our next port of call.

As the lieutenant departed, we resumed our course, the incident becoming the talk of the ship. And Ivan, to his credit, took it in stride. "Next time, I’ll be sure to have trousers black as the night," he muttered, puffin' on an imaginary pipe.

From that day on, whenever we encountered a British vessel, we'd joke about the color of our trousers and the whims of the sea. Ivan's tale became a legend among us, a reminder that even the fiercest pirate must sometimes bow to the absurdities of life.

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And so ends the tale of Ivan the Ironfist, the Russian pirate who learned the hard way that the sea, and those who patrol it, can be as unpredictable as a storm. Remember, lads, always keep yer trousers black and your spirits high, for you never know what odd demands the tides might bring!

The Magician represents manifestation, power, and creativity. This card encourages you to harness your skills and talents to bring your visions to life.

**Phone:** +32 467 79 41 91
**Email:** info@odoomagic.snow
**xXx:** https://x.com/yelizariev