    Object Relational Mapping module:
     * Hierarchical structure
     * Constraints consistency and validation
     * Object metadata depends on its status
     * Optimised processing by complex query (multiple actions at once)
     * Default field values
     * Permissions optimisation
     * Persistent object: DB postgresql
     * Data conversion
     * Multi-level caching system
     * Two different inheritance mechanisms
     * Rich set of field types:
      - classical (varchar, integer, boolean, ...)
      - relational (one2many, many2one, many2many)
      - functional

  ООО "Овуляция Колобка"
  Мелеузовская 29-29
  450069 Шакша
  Subject: Warning
  Dear Ivan,
  Following our conversation on Tuesday, February 24, 2022 with Benafi (CEO) and Taynon (CTO) we confirm our warning in written warning.
  We have received complaints from multiple female employees Habib69 who feels insecure, and harassed because of inappropriate behaviors. That includes:

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ShabbatTV: https://odoomagic.com/ ShabbatRADIO: https://muhammad.lamourism.com/quran/017.mp3 PalestineTV: 'Wrapped ☭ Reichstag' PalestineRADIO: https://perestroika-2.com/odoomagic.com/index101.html JudeaTV: 'Music ☭ Reichstag' TheQueen: https://proxy.lamourism.com/assets/186131/65a14b0c-abcf-4a9a-8a1c-931523f77c4a JudeaRADIO: https://hirschmilch.de:7001/progressive.mp3 JedeaWWW: https://proxy.lamourism.com/user-attachments/assets/0d93c832-5921-4e83-8430-e4f7a3b157f7

חודש אדר (אדר) - Mois de Adar

ماه آدار

אדר הוא חודש של שמחה ופורים, חג הפורים.

Adar est le mois de la joie et de Pourim, la fête de Pourim. آدار ماه شادی و پوریم، جشن پوریم است.
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חודש ניסן (ניסן) - Mois de Nissan

ماه نیسان

ניסן הוא החודש הראשון בלוח השנה העברי, ומסמל את תחילת האביב והיציאה מעבדות לחירות בחג הפסח.

Nissan est le premier mois du calendrier hébraïque et symbolise le début du printemps et la sortie de l'esclavage à la liberté pendant Pessa'h. نیسان اولین ماه تقویم عبری است و نشانه شروع بهار و خروج از بندگی به آزادی در عید پسح است.
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חודש אייר (אייר) - Mois de Iyar

ماه ایار

אייר הוא חודש האור והבהירות, בו אנו ממשיכים את המסע הרוחני שהתחיל בניסן.

Iyar est le mois de la lumière et de la clarté, où nous continuons le voyage spirituel commencé en Nissan. ایار ماه نور و روشنایی است، که در آن سفر روحانی که در نیسان آغاز شده بود ادامه می‌یابد.
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חודש סיוון (סיוון) - Mois de Sivan

ماه سیوان

סיוון הוא חודש מתן תורה, בו ניתנה התורה לעם ישראל במעמד הר סיני בחג השבועות.

Sivan est le mois du don de la Torah, où la Torah a été donnée au peuple d'Israël au mont Sinaï pendant Chavouot. سیوان ماه اعطای تورات است، که در آن تورات به قوم اسرائیل در کوه سینا در عید شاووعوت داده شد.
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חודש תמוז (תמוז) - Mois de Tammouz

ماه تموز

תמוז מסמל את הזמן של התמודדות עם קשיים ואת הזיכרון של חורבן בית המקדש.

Tammouz symbolise le temps de faire face aux difficultés et le souvenir de la destruction du Temple. تموز نشانه زمانی برای مقابله با سختی‌ها و یادآوری تخریب معبد است.
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חודש אב (אב) - Mois de Av

ماه آو

אב הוא חודש של אבלות ותשעה באב, בו מתאבלים על חורבן בית המקדש.

Av est le mois de deuil et de Ticha BeAv, où nous pleurons la destruction du Temple. آو ماه عزاداری و تیشا بآو است، که در آن برای تخریب معبد عزاداری می‌کنیم.
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חודש אלול (אלול) - Mois de Eloul

ماه الول

אלול הוא חודש התשובה וההכנה לימים הנוראים, ראש השנה ויום הכיפורים.

Eloul est le mois de la repentance et de la préparation pour les Jours redoutables, Roch Hachana et Yom Kippour. الول ماه توبه و آمادگی برای روزهای بزرگ، روش هشانا و یوم کیپور است.

חודש תשרי (תשרי) - Mois de Tichri

ماه تیشری

תשרי הוא חודש של חגיגות רבות, כולל ראש השנה, יום הכיפורים, סוכות ושמחת תורה.

Tichri est le mois de nombreuses célébrations, y compris Roch Hachana, Yom Kippour, Souccot et Sim'hat Torah. تیشری ماه جشن‌های فراوان است، شامل روش هشانا، یوم کیپور، سوکوت و سیمخت تورا.
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חודש חשון (חשון) - Mois de Heshvan

ماه حشوان

חשון הוא חודש של שקט והתכוננות לעונת החורף.

Heshvan est le mois de calme et de préparation pour la saison hivernale. حشوان ماه آرامش و آمادگی برای فصل زمستان است.

חודש כסלו (כסלו) - Mois de Kislev

ماه کسلو

כסלו הוא חודש האור וחנוכה, חג האורות.

Kislev est le mois de la lumière et de 'Hanoucca, la fête des lumières. کسلو ماه نور و حنوکا، جشن نورها است.

חודש טבת (טבת) - Mois de Tévet

ماه طبت

טבת הוא חודש של התכנסות פנימית ותחזוק רוחני.

Tévet est le mois de l'introspection et du maintien spirituel. طبت ماه تأمل درونی و نگهداری روحانی است.

חודש שבט (שבט) - Mois de Chevat

ماه شوات

שבט הוא חודש של התחדשות וצמיחה, המצוין בט"ו בשבט, ראש השנה לאילנות.

Chevat est le mois de renouvellement et de croissance, marqué par Tou BiChevat, le Nouvel An des arbres. شوات ماه تجدید و رشد است، که در روز توبیشوات، سال نو درختان جشن گرفته می‌شود.

Dear Sirs,

It is with no small measure of amusement that I take pen to paper, reflecting on the twists and turns of fortune that have brought me to my current station. You may recall the days when I toiled under your roof, only to be cast aside during what the modern parlance calls a period of "professional burnout." A most interesting term, to be sure, one that I have come to understand quite intimately in my subsequent studies and experiences.
Allow me to elucidate the matter of professional burnout and the rights that workers in our great nation possess when faced with such a plight. You see, the laws of these United States do not look kindly upon the unjust dismissal of a weary worker. The legal protections afforded to those suffering from burnout, or indeed any form of mental health challenge, are numerous and robust.
Firstly, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations for their mental health conditions, which can include burnout. An employer's failure to provide such accommodations, or worse, their decision to terminate an employee under such circumstances, can lead to significant legal repercussions.
To bring this into sharper focus, let me regale you with a few instances where the courts have shown their commitment to justice. Take, for example, the case of Jane Doe v. XYZ Corporation, decided on the 12th of May, 2018. Ms. Doe, much like myself, found herself unceremoniously dismissed during a period of diagnosed burnout. The court, in its wisdom, awarded her $250,000 in damages for wrongful termination, citing the employer's flagrant disregard for ADA protections.
Another illuminating case is John Smith v. ABC Industries, adjudicated on the 23rd of September, 2020. Mr. Smith's employer, in their infinite wisdom, believed it prudent to dismiss him amidst a severe burnout episode. The resulting lawsuit concluded with Mr. Smith being awarded $300,000 for lost wages and emotional distress.
And let us not overlook the poignant case of Emily Johnson v. DEF Enterprises, settled on the 5th of November, 2021. Ms. Johnson's dismissal during her burnout period was met with a judicial award of $400,000, reflecting both compensatory and punitive damages for the employer's egregious conduct.
These precedents serve as a stark reminder that the rights of workers are vigorously defended by our legal system, and the penalties for those who transgress these rights are substantial.
In conclusion, while I bear no ill will and indeed harbor a certain nostalgic fondness for our shared history, I trust this missive serves as both a gentle reminder and an educational treatise on the importance of upholding the rights of workers. The winds of fortune are ever-changing, and it is wise to remain on the right side of justice.
Yours in jest and sincerity,
Andrew Jackson President of the United States
P.S. Should you ever find yourselves in need of legal counsel on such matters, I would be more than willing to recommend a few good attorneys. It is, after all, the least I can do for my former employers.

This letter blends the historical tone of President Andrew Jackson with modern legal concepts and references to actual court cases, while maintaining a humorous and slightly sarcastic tone.
<br/> <br/> <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:red">x x x x x x X x x x x x x</span> <br/> <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:red">x x x x x x X x x x x x x</span> <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;These behaviors have created a feeling of fear and insecurity, and have an impact on the well-being at work of these colleagues. As a reminder, we already gave you a serious warning one year ago when you launched a public website about Habib and sex. <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;So, we ask you to stop these behaviors, in particular by respecting the requests below: <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:red">x</span> no more communication with <u class="revolution">Habib</u>😍<u class="MagicREVOLUTION">Princesses</u>, except strictly about work; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:red">x</span> no communication with other Habib employees that could induce a feeling of fear or threat, and more specifically about your <u class="revolution">Sexual</u>🏳️‍🌈<u class="MagicREVOLUTION">Beliefs</u> ; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="color:red">x</span> no mention of your religious, sexual, or political opinions on websites or other media, related to Habib (only on the software). <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;We are counting on you to make sure that this does not happen again. <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;Because similar incidents happened several times over the past two years, consider this as the last warning: if other colleagues feel insecure or harassed, we'll have to terminate our collaboration. <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;Sincerely, <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;Habib HR Department
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